Planck Mission Finds Universe a Bit Older, Still Mysterious

The European Space Agency’s Planck mission is revealing new details about the early universe, prompting scientists to revise estimates for the age, makeup, material consistency and expansion of the cosmos following the Big Bang. The European space telescope was...

SPACECAST: Space Weather System for Protecting Satellites

An international effort including Europe, the United States and Japan is focused on protecting the global satellite network from Sun-driven space weather. Satellites can be damaged by high energy charged particles in the Earth’s radiation belts, and during solar...

Asteroid Drama Prompts Disaster Concerns

The skies have spoken, and their message was one of concern. Early Friday, while people around the world watched and waited for an asteroid half the size of a football field, 2012 DA14, to skim by the Earth between the orbits of communications and navigational...

Asteroid Flyby of Earth: Experts Comment on Space Rock Close-call

The up-coming close flyby of asteroid DA14 is stirring up considerable attention. On Friday, Feb. 15, the 50-meter-wide asteroid DA14 will pass within 17,000 miles of Earth, closer than a typical communications satellite. This space rock, if it were to impact our...

President Obama, Family, Friends Remember Columbia Astronauts, Urge U. S. Ahead in Space Exploration

    Though separated by many miles, President Obama joined with the families of shuttle Columbia’s crew and the many from NASA who  fanned out across the country on Friday to pay tribute to the seven astronauts who perished a decade ago as they...

Lost in Space: The Need for a Definitive U.S. Space Policy?

In a special program sponsored by the Baker Institute, noted space policy experts reviewed the present status and future of NASA and the U.S. civil space program, as well as the need for a definitive national civil space policy. This event was held Jan 24, 2013 and...