Landing on Titan: A Bouncing Re-play!

Back in January 2005, the European Space Agency’s Huygens probe parachuted onto Saturn’s moon, Titan. Thanks to a detailed analysis over seven years later, researchers have pulled together what happened to the probe at touchdown. The analysis is providing clues as to...

Saturn’s Titan: A World of Surprises

Saturn’s moon Titan provides the best opportunity to study conditions very similar to Earth – in terms of climate, meteorology and astrobiology. That’s the observation from Athena Coustenis from the Paris-Meudon Observatory in France. The scientist is presenting...

Space Station Research Reported: Nanotechnology Manufacturing Advanced

New research findings based on experiments carried out on the International Space Station could lead to the creation of unique materials and electro-mechanical devices. The Investigating the Structure of Paramagnetic Aggregates from Colloidal Emulsion – 2 – or...

Book Review: Becoming Spacefarers: Rescuing America’s Space Program

Becoming Spacefarers: Rescuing America’s Space Program by James A. Vedda; Xlibris Publishing; Bloomington, Indiana; Casebound Hardcover: $29.99; 2012. Just in time for an election year! The author has provided a no-nonsense review of what arguably seems to be...