Could Human Missions to Mars be Possible in 25 years? A Collection of the World’s Most Capable Space Agencies Believes So

A collaboration among 12 national  space agencies, including NASA — and working under the wing of the International Space Exploration Coordination Group believes so.   They established a blue print, The Global Exploration Roadmap, which was made public...

NASA Moves Forward With International Space Station National Laboratory

  NASA has completed negotiations with the Center for the Advancement of Science in Space, the Florida-based nonprofit group selected by the space agency earlier this year to manage the U. S. National Laboratory segment of the International Space Station. CASIS...

Space Station Robots Reach for Stars

  It’s been a big week for robots living outside as well as inside the International Space Station. Robonaut 2, NASA’s humanoid collaboration with U. S. automaker General Motors, however, may have to take a temporary backseat to DEXTRE, the two-armed Canadian...