President Obama, Family, Friends Remember Columbia Astronauts, Urge U. S. Ahead in Space Exploration

    Though separated by many miles, President Obama joined with the families of shuttle Columbia’s crew and the many from NASA who  fanned out across the country on Friday to pay tribute to the seven astronauts who perished a decade ago as they...

Asteroid Mining Update from the Factory Floor

The private space group – Planetary Resources – headquartered near Seattle, Washington is pushing forward on its Arkyd-100 – the firm’s space telescope and technology demonstrator for their Arkyd series of asteroid prospecting missions. The Arkyd-100 series is the...

New Free NASA Book Offers “Crash Course” in Orbital Debris

What to do about human-made space junk? A first step is get up to speed on speeding orbital clutter! The NASA Academy of Program/Project & Engineering Leadership (APPEL) has made public release of Orbital Debris Management and Risk Mitigation, its first...