Feb 9, 2013 | Blog, Education Station, Exploration, Kids Space, Mars, NASA, Space Research
For the first time in history, a robot has drilled into Mars to collect a sample for detailed analysis. NASA’s Curiosity rover has used a drill carried at the end of its robotic arm to bore into a flat, veiny rock on Mars and collect a sample from its interior. As a...
Feb 6, 2013 | Exploration, International Space Station, Kids Space, Mars, NASA, Our Solar System, Planet Earth, Space Research, The Moon
International Space Station commander Kevin Ford and hisU. S., Russian and Canadian crewmates received praise from Apollo 17 commander Gene Cernan on Wednesday and encouragement to serve as an inspiration to the world’s young people. “I’m...
Feb 1, 2013 | Benefits of Space Exploration, Exploration, International Cooperation, International Space Station, Space Shuttle, NASA, Mars, Planet Earth, Space Research
Though separated by many miles, President Obama joined with the families of shuttle Columbia’s crew and the many from NASA who fanned out across the country on Friday to pay tribute to the seven astronauts who perished a decade ago as they...
Jan 21, 2013 | Asteroid Exploration, Blog, Commercial Space, Education Station, Exploration, Kids Space, NASA, Our Solar System, Planet Earth, Space and Science, Space Research, Why Space
The private space group – Planetary Resources – headquartered near Seattle, Washington is pushing forward on its Arkyd-100 – the firm’s space telescope and technology demonstrator for their Arkyd series of asteroid prospecting missions. The Arkyd-100 series is the...
Jan 20, 2013 | Blog, Education Station, Exploration, Kids Space, Mars, NASA, Space and Science, Space Research
The Red Planet’s early evolution appears to be one that’s water rich, and could have been wet environments to support potential niches for ancient life. New evidence of a wet underground environment on Mars stems from orbital observations by a NASA spacecraft of the...
Jan 19, 2013 | International Space Station, Space Shuttle, NASA, Space and Science, Space Research
Shuttle commanders Eileen Collins and Curt Brown join scientist and payload commander Bonnie Dunbar as the latest astronauts to earn a place in the U. S. Astronaut Hall of Fame. Their April 20 induction at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex in...
Jan 19, 2013 | Ask the Expert, Blog, Education Station, Exploration, Kids Space, Multimedia, Planet Earth, Space and Science, Space Research
Space clutter and what to do about this menacing problem will demand creative solutions. Texas A&M Aerospace Engineering Professor Daniele Mortari, and his Ph.D. student Jonathan Missel, are developing a new and imaginative concept that reinvents the way the...
Jan 18, 2013 | Benefits of Space Exploration, Blog, Education Station, Exploration, Kids Space, NASA, Space and Science, Space Research
Oxygen…you can’t live without it. And you can’t leave Earth without it either. On long duration space travel, astronauts need to carry out rigorous exercise to help combat the effects of microgravity on the body. NASA engineers at the Glenn Research Center in...
Jan 16, 2013 | Ask the Expert, Ask the Experts — Answers, Blog, Book Reviews, Education Station, International Space Station, Kids Space, Multimedia, NASA, Planet Earth, Space Research
What to do about human-made space junk? A first step is get up to speed on speeding orbital clutter! The NASA Academy of Program/Project & Engineering Leadership (APPEL) has made public release of Orbital Debris Management and Risk Mitigation, its first...
Jan 13, 2013 | Benefits of Space Exploration, Education, European Space Agency, Exploration, International Cooperation, International Space Station, NASA, Space Research
It’s not on commercial television, nor are the teams of high school students ranked weekly by the sports media. Yet the competition is intense as student teams sponsored by NASA and the European Space Agency and their respective partners compete for the...