Orion Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle to Enter Extensive Test Period

KENNEDY SPACE CENTER, Florida – The Orion Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle (MPCV) is being pursued as the way to explore beyond low Earth orbit – back to the Moon, out to asteroids, and eventually to Mars. Regarding the decision to press ahead with Orion, Lori Garver, NASA...

Book Review: My Dream of Stars – From Daughter of Iran to Space Pioneer

My Dream of Stars – From Daughter of Iran to Space Pioneer by Anousheh Ansari with Homer Hickam; Palgrave Macmillan; New York, New York: $16.00 (softcover); $25.00 (hardcover); 2010. This is a love story…anchored here on Earth with her soulmate, Hamid – as well...

SETI Signals for Funding: New Site Offers Public Involvement

There’s no question that the search for life elsewhere is a profound enterprise in human history. As the quest continues to search and find other planets circling other stars, the hunger to find out just how crowded the universe is out there also grows. The search for...