Sep 2, 2011 | Benefits of Space Exploration, Canadian Space Agency, Commercial Space, Exploration, International Cooperation, International Space Station, NASA, Space and Science, Space Research, Space Shuttle, The Moon
It’s been a big week for robots living outside as well as inside the International Space Station. Robonaut 2, NASA’s humanoid collaboration with U. S. automaker General Motors, however, may have to take a temporary backseat to DEXTRE, the two-armed Canadian...
Sep 1, 2011 | Ask the Expert, Blog, Education Station, International Cooperation, International Space Station, NASA, Planet Earth, Space and Science
A blue ribbon panel of experts has reported that NASA needs a strategic plan to manage orbital debris efforts. Furthermore, they report that risks are increasing for satellites and the International Space Station. The report — Limiting Future Collision...
Aug 31, 2011 | Asteroid Exploration, Benefits of Space Exploration, Exploration, International Cooperation, International Space Station, Mars, NASA, Our Solar System, Space and Science, The Moon
Senior officials from NASA and the space agencies of nine other nations gathered in Kyoto, Japan on Tuesday to shape a coordinated multinational strategy for space exploration called the Global Exploration Roadmap. The planning, under way for a year, identifies...
Aug 30, 2011 | Canadian Space Agency, European Space Agency, Exploration, International Cooperation, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), NASA, Roscosmos, Space and Science, Space Shuttle
NASA has raised the prospect that the U. S.led, 15-nation International Space Station partnership may have to de-staff the orbiting science laboratory in mid-November, if Russia’s investigation and recovery from the Aug. 24 loss of the Progress 44...
Aug 24, 2011 | Canadian Space Agency, Commercial Space, European Space Agency, Exploration, International Cooperation, International Space Station, Space Shuttle, NASA, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), Roscosmos, Space Research
A Russian Progress supply craft bound for the International Space Station crashed back to Earth early Wednesday, potentially impacting future crew as well as cargo transportation activities aboard the orbiting science lab — barely a month after...
Aug 22, 2011 | Asteroid Exploration, Exploration, International Cooperation, International Space Station, Space Shuttle, NASA, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), Mars, Space Research, The Moon
Astronauts aboard the International Space Station powered up Robonaut 2 for the first time on Monday, though the legless humanoid was not permitted to move head and arms during the two hour exercise. “First motion” is likely several weeks...
Aug 18, 2011 | Benefits of Space Exploration, Canadian Space Agency, China, Commercial Space, Education, European Space Agency, International Cooperation, International Space Station, Space Shuttle, NASA, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), Orion Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle, Roscosmos, Space and Science, Space Race, Space Research, Space Tourism, Spaceports, The Moon, Why Space
The Futron Corp’s 2011 Space Competiveness Index finds the United States perched atop 10 global competitors in the field, yet slipping as the nation’s space policy undergoes a transition, especially in the realm of human space flight. The Bethesda,...
Aug 8, 2011 | Canadian Space Agency, European Space Agency, Exploration, International Cooperation, Mars, NASA, Space Research, The Moon, Uncategorized
NASA will focus its energies on preparations for a mission to a near Earth asteroid late this month, as it joins forces with dozens of experts from academia and industry, the European and Canadian space agencies on the Black Rock Lava Flow...
Jul 25, 2011 | Blog, Education Station, Exploration, Hubble Space Telescope, International Cooperation, International Space Station, Space Shuttle, NASA, NASA, Space Shuttle
Check out this just issued and impressive video from the Nature Video Channel. NASA’s 30-year Space Transportation System (STS) program came to an end on 21st July 2011. The Space Shuttle fleet delivered the Hubble Space Telescope, the International Space Station, and...
Jul 24, 2011 | Asteroid Exploration, Blog, Education Station, Exploration, International Cooperation, NASA, Our Solar System
NASA’s Dawn spacecraft has relayed an impressive new image of asteroid Vesta. Making use of its Framing Camera – a project funded by Germany’s Max Planck Society, the DLR German Aerospace Center, and NASA/JPL — the smallest detail visible on Vesta is about 1.2...