Apr 8, 2012 | Benefits of Space Exploration, European Space Agency, Exploration, Hubble Space Telescope, International Cooperation, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), NASA, Space and Science
NASA has extended nine of the agency’s astrophysics missions – programs like Kepler and Hubble that probe the cosmos in search of answers to some of the our most profound questions – how did the universe originate, how did it evolve, are there other planets like the...
Mar 29, 2012 | Education, European Space Agency, Hubble Space Telescope, International Cooperation, NASA, Space and Science, Space Shuttle
Ever find yourself outside on a clear night, looking out at the cosmos wondering what it would be like to fly really close to the stars? Maybe, someday. But a contest involving the Hubble Space Telescope, a 22-year-old collaboration between NASA and the...
Mar 15, 2012 | Blog, Education Station, Exploration, International Cooperation, International Space Station, Kids Space, NASA, Planet Earth, Why Space
Mark March 31st on your calendar – the day that “Earth Hour” will extend to the International Space Station for the first time. European Space Agency (ESA) astronaut and World Wildlife Fund (WWF) ambassador, André Kuipers, will keep watch over planet Earth as lights...
Mar 1, 2012 | Blog, Education Station, European Space Agency, Exploration, International Cooperation, International Space Station, Space Shuttle, NASA, Kids Space, Spaceports
The largest and heaviest payload ever launched by Europe is slated for departure. A routine inspection, however, has concluded that additional measures are required to ensure the maximum readiness of the third Automated Transfer Vehicle for launch. It has therefore...
Feb 28, 2012 | Asteroid Exploration, Blog, Education Station, Exploration, International Cooperation, Kids Space, NASA, Our Solar System, Planet Earth, The Moon
The Moon is a witness plate of a time when asteroids pummeled the Earth and Moon 4 billion years ago. New lunar data has revealed evidence about that process so long ago. Using information gleaned from the Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter — an instrument on NASA’s...
Feb 26, 2012 | Exploration, Hubble Space Telescope, International Cooperation, International Space Station, Space Shuttle, NASA, Space Research
Perched on the outside of the sprawling International Space Station, the $2 billion Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer is sifting through cosmic ray particles at twice the rate eager physicists estimated when the “big science” experiment was launched last...
Feb 23, 2012 | Ask the Expert, Blog, Education Station, Exploration, International Cooperation, Kids Space, NASA, Space Shuttle, Why Space
Bacteria-carrying planets may be wandering through space instead of orbiting a star. That’s the news from the Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology (KIPAC), a joint institute of Stanford University and the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory. A...
Feb 17, 2012 | Blog, Education Station, European Space Agency, International Cooperation, International Space Station, Kids Space, NASA
Space travelers have an ear for music! Indeed, according to the European Space Agency’s (ESA) Euronews, there are many links between music and space. Astronauts take their favorite rock music with them to orbit, while musicians on Earth often take inspiration from the...
Feb 9, 2012 | Blog, Commercial Space, Education Station, Exploration, International Cooperation, International Space Station, Kids Space, Mars, NASA, Space and Science, Space Research, The Moon
A new tool for gravitational research in Earth orbit also marks a new era of commercial utilization of the U.S. National Laboratory – a module that’s part of the International Space Station (ISS). Astrium Space Transportation and NanoRacks LLC have teamed up to offer...
Jan 25, 2012 | Asteroid Exploration, Education, European Space Agency, International Cooperation, International Space Station, NASA, Space Research
U. S.and European high school student teams prevailed in a competition this week aboard the International Space Station involving a trio of colorful robotic spheres involved in the simulated exploration of an asteroid. In all, 36 teams competed in the third...