Oct 30, 2013 | Asteroid Exploration, Benefits of Space Exploration, Blog, Education Station, Exploration, Kids Space, NASA, Space and Science, Space Research
A University of Washington (UW) class is crashing rockets into the ground…and on purpose. The student project is called “Sample Return Systems for Extreme Environments,” a novel technology that recently received $500,000 over two years from the NASA Innovative...
Oct 29, 2013 | Benefits of Space Exploration, Education, Exploration, International Space Station, Space Shuttle, NASA, Planet Earth, Space and Science, Space Research
As though she was counting down a space mission launch, NASA International Space Station program scientist Julie Robinson has been running through her list of top 10 science achievements carried out aboard the six person orbiting science lab with a...
Oct 28, 2013 | Blog, Education Station, European Space Agency, Exploration, Kids Space, Mars, Space and Science, Space Research
The European Space Agency’s (ESA) Mars Express spacecraft was launched in early June 2003. On arrival at the Red Planet six-and-a-half months later, it has since orbited the planet nearly 12,500 times. From that orbital perch above Mars, the spacecraft has provided...
Oct 24, 2013 | Benefits of Space Exploration, Education, Exploration, Hubble Space Telescope, NASA, Space and Science, Space Research
Three of NASA’s most capable space telescopes are joining forces for “Frontier Fields,” a three year campaign to study six of the most massive galaxy clusters in the universe. They will start with Abell 2744, also known as Pandora’s Cluster, a...
Oct 22, 2013 | Commercial Space, Exploration, International Space Station, Space Shuttle, NASA, Space and Science, Space Research, Uncategorized
The Orbital Sciences Corps’ Cygnus re-supply capsule departed the International Space Station early Tuesday, lining up the Dulles, Va., based company to become the International Space Station’s second U. S. commercial re-supply service. SpaceX, of Hawthorne, Calif.,...
Oct 22, 2013 | Ask the Expert, Blog, Commercial Space, Education Station, Exploration, Kids Space, Planet Earth, Space and Science, Space Research, Space Tourism
Imagine yourself tucked inside a luxuriously appointed space-qualified capsule, then lifted by a high altitude balloon to over 18 miles (30 kilometers). On location, you and fellow passengers will remain aloft for approximately two hours before gliding back to Earth...
Oct 22, 2013 | Asteroid Exploration, Benefits of Space Exploration, Exploration, International Space Station, Mars, NASA, Our Solar System, Planet Earth, Space and Science
NASA scores high in a new poll of U. S. federal agencies carried out during the October U. S. Government shutdown and worker furlough that disrupted many operations. The poll of 1,504 adults was conducted by the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press...
Oct 19, 2013 | Ask the Expert, Ask the Experts — Answers, Asteroid Exploration, Benefits of Space Exploration, Blog, Education Station, Exploration, Kids Space, Our Solar System, Planet Earth, Space and Science
In dealing with asteroids that could cause damage to people and property, Earth has a blind spot. According to space rock expert, Jay Melosh, a distinguished professor of earth, atmospheric and planetary sciences and physics at Purdue University in West Lafayette,...
Oct 18, 2013 | Ask the Expert, Blog, Commercial Space, Education Station, Exploration, Kids Space, Planet Earth, Space Research, Space Tourism
Space diver, Felix Baumgartner, made a historic leap into the record books in October of last year. Ballooning to the edge of space, Baumgartner jumped from his free-flying perch and became the first human to break the speed of sound in freefall with a top speed of...
Oct 17, 2013 | Ask the Expert, Blog, Education Station, Exploration, Kids Space, Mars, NASA, Space Research
NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) sweeps around the red planet, equipped with a number of specials sensors. New images of the region northwest of Gale Crater, the landing site of the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) rover, Curiosity, have revealed a cluster of...