Jun 14, 2010 | Blog, Commercial Space, NASA
Source: Florida Today While the Obama Administration’s plans to upgrade Kennedy Space Center mean more space business down the road, the multi-billion dollar stimulus could create jobs and boost the Space Coast economy before the first next-generation rocket...
Jun 4, 2010 | Commercial Space, International Space Station, Space Shuttle, NASA
SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket roared into orbit on Friday, climbing into space on what appeared to be a successful full duration inaugural test flight of nearly 10 minutes. The slender white, 180-foot tall, two-stage rocket with the “SPACEX” logo stenciled on the...
May 30, 2010 | Commercial Space, Constellation Program, Exploration, International Space Station, Space Shuttle, NASA, This Week in Space
May 27, 2010 | Blog, Commercial Space, Constellation Program, Exploration, NASA
Source: The Houston Chronicle It was during long flights to the Middle East for goodwill visits to American troops that former astronauts Neil Armstrong, Eugene Cernan and James Lovell hatched a plan to step out of the pages of history with a mission to change its...
May 27, 2010 | Blog, Commercial Space, Constellation Program, NASA
Source: The New York Times The head of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration was buffeted with more criticism and skepticism before Congress on Wednesday as he sought to defend the Obama administration’s proposal to revamp the space agency. Representative...
May 26, 2010 | Benefits of Space Exploration, Blog, Commercial Space, Exploration, NASA
Source: Houston Chronicle I’m in Galveston this morning for NASA’s Exploration Enterprise Workshop, a two-day program to expand on the agency’s plans for exploration under President Obama’s budget. Organizers have been careful to call these...
May 26, 2010 | Blog, Commercial Space, Education Station, Exploration, Newsroom, Space Tourism, Spaceports
Credit: Virgin Galactic Spaceport America in New Mexico continues to take shape, the future site of commercial space tourism flights. Hundreds of construction workers are busily churning up dirt, completing a huge runway and terminal at the site. Sir Richard...
May 22, 2010 | Blog, Book Reviews, Commercial Space, Education Station, Exploration, International Space Station, Space Shuttle, NASA, NASA, Newsroom, Planet Earth, Space and Science, Space Research
Me and The Biospheres: A Memoir by the Inventor of Biosphere 2 by John Allen; Synergetic Press, Santa Fe, New Mexico; (paperback) $39.95; 2009. The term “biosphere” was coined by geologist Eduard Seuss in 1875, which he defined as the place on Earth’s surface where...
May 18, 2010 | Ask the Expert, Blog, Commercial Space, Education Station, Exploration, International Space Station, NASA, Space Research, Space Shuttle, Why Space
Paul Livingstone, Senior Editor at R&D Magazine has written an interesting update on NASA, university and industry looks at space-based research. Livingstone’s article is as follows, reprinted here with permission: Space biotech: growing industry or space shot?...
May 12, 2010 | Augustine Committee, Commercial Space, Constellation Program, Exploration, International Space Station, Space Shuttle, NASA
The first and the last of America’s Apollo moon walkers raised concerns before a Senate oversight panel on Wednesday that President Obama’s space exploration strategy could cause the United States to lose its global leadership in the exploration of...