Oct 28, 2010 | Benefits of Space Exploration, Commercial Space, European Space Agency, Exploration, International Space Station, Space Shuttle, NASA, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), Mars
Tuesday will mark an historic milestone, as the United States, Russia, the European Space Agency, Japan and Canada celebrate the 10th anniversary of a continuous human presence aboard the NASA-led International Space Station. Does a decade with at least two humans and...
Oct 24, 2010 | Ask the Expert, Blog, Book Reviews, Commercial Space, Education Station, Exploration, Kids Space, Space Race, Space Research, Space Tourism
Space Commerce – The Inside Story By The People Who Are Making It Happen by Langdon Morris and Kenneth J. Cox, Editors, An Aerospace Technology Working Group Book; $27.95; 2010. Here’s a very readable and informative look at giving space the business! That is, how...
Oct 23, 2010 | Blog, Commercial Space, Education Station, Kids Space, NASA, Space Race, Space Tourism, Spaceports
SPACEPORT AMERICA, New Mexico – An amazing day here at Spaceport America as the New Mexico Spaceport Authority dedicated the nearly two-mile long runway – a specially-built runway to bolster the future of public space travel to the edge of space. During the...
Oct 20, 2010 | Blog, Commercial Space, Education Station, Exploration, Space Tourism, Spaceports
LAS CRUCES, New Mexico – Leading space entrepreneurs have gathered here to assess the political and economic climate for personal and commercial spaceflight. Meanwhile, construction crews are at work at a neighboring but remote site – busily completing Spaceport...
Oct 12, 2010 | Blog, Commercial Space, Education Station, Space Tourism, Spaceports
The maiden solo flight of the privately-built SpaceShipTwo on October 10 moves forward the day of passenger travel to the suborbital heights. That date marked the successful completion of the first piloted free flight of SpaceShipTwo, named the VSS Enterprise. “We at...
Oct 11, 2010 | Augustine Committee, Commercial Space, Exploration, International Space Station, Space Shuttle, NASA, Mars, Space and Science, The Moon
President Obama on Monday signed the 2010 NASA Authorization bill, providing the space agency with a three-year road map that includes work on a new heavy lift rocket and multi-purpose crew vehicle for future deep space missions as well as funding to support...
Oct 10, 2010 | Blog, Commercial Space, Education Station, Exploration, Space Tourism, Spaceports
SpaceShipTwo has flown solo for the first time at the Mojave Air and Space Port in California. Released at altitude early this morning from its carrier plane – the WhiteKnightTwo – the first, on-its-own aerial flight of the Virgin Galactic space vehicle successfully...
Oct 9, 2010 | Benefits of Space Exploration, Blog, Commercial Space, Education Station, Exploration, Kids Space, NASA, Space Race, Space Tourism, Spaceports
Space industrialization and settlement of the high frontier will be the theme of a threshold conference to be held at month’s end. Space Manufacturing 14: Critical Technologies for Space Settlement conference will bring together futurists, space scientists and...
Oct 8, 2010 | Blog, Book Reviews, Commercial Space, Education Station, Exploration, Space Race, Space Tourism, Spaceports
The Wright Stuff – The Century of Effort Behind Your Ticket to Space By Derek Webber; Apogee Books; Burlington, Ontario Canada; $25.95 (soft cover); October 2010. Here’s an invaluable guide to the emergence of public space tourism. What the reader will find in...
Oct 8, 2010 | Commercial Space, Exploration, International Space Station, Space Shuttle, NASA, Mars, Space and Science
A Rasmussen Reports poll unveiled this week reveals some rather dramatic shifts in public opinion this year in favor of NASA and the agency’s endeavors in human as well as robotic space exploration. The changes unfolded during a on going debate among lawmakers...