New Poll: Ending NASA Shuttle Program – Bad for the Country, Private Space Sector Supported

A new CNN/ORC International Poll has found that 50 percent of Americans say curtailing the NASA space shuttle program is bad for country. The findings from the new national survey were released shortly after the space agency’s last shuttle mission came to a wheel’s...

Nostalgia, Promise of Bold New Missions Surround NASA’s Final Shuttle Flight

  NASA’s final shuttle flight represents a milestone that has many who work at the space agency committed to its success, though already nostalgic about the retiring orbiters and hopeful the passage will lead the nation to embark on bold new ventures. Poised at...

Book Review: My Dream of Stars – From Daughter of Iran to Space Pioneer

My Dream of Stars – From Daughter of Iran to Space Pioneer by Anousheh Ansari with Homer Hickam; Palgrave Macmillan; New York, New York: $16.00 (softcover); $25.00 (hardcover); 2010. This is a love story…anchored here on Earth with her soulmate, Hamid – as well...