Here is a list of news that were published in our Newsletter the week of July 1, 2024:

Human Space Exploration:


Space Science



  • The new space race: International partnerships (op-ed) (6/30): The global space community has entered a new era of international cooperation in the exploration of space that includes commercial partnerships as well. “In this era of immense possibilities in space exploration, it is imperative that we adopt a united, diplomatic approach towards securing our space frontier,” writes Charles Bolden, former NASA administrator and astronaut, and Stuart Holliday, a former U.S. ambassador for Special Political Affairs at the United Nations.
  • Transferring the International Space Station into the future
    SpaceNews (7/1): A timely international effort that combined NASA’s Space Station Freedom and Russia’s Mir 2 into the multi-agency ISS is considered one of the most incredible engineering accomplishments in human history, notes Michael Griffin, a former NASA administrator, and Jean-Jacques Dordain, a former director general of the European Space Agency, in an op-ed. They suggest that rather than conducting a safe and destructive re-entry of the ISS by the end of 2030, as currently planned by NASA, the large spacecraft’s orbit should be raised to safely preserve its presence as an asset for future generations.
  • The overlap between the space and longevity industries
    The Space Review (7/1): Space-hosted medical research, like that conducted aboard the ISS, has benefits to life on Earth. This concept must live on as space research aboard the ISS transitions to future commercial space station successors, according to Dylan Taylor, founder and CEO of Voyager Space, in an op-ed. “Learning how to explore the most distant reaches of space can help us live healthier lives back here on the home planet,” he writes.


Other News


Major Space Related Activities for the Week

  • SpaceNews is hosting the Race to the Moon webinar on Tuesday at 11 a.m., EDT, with a lineup that includes NASA and international, commercial and academic experts on the topic.
  • The European Space Agency’s Ariane 6 rocket is in line to make its long-awaited launch debut on July 9 from Kourou, French Guiana.
  • The Secure World Foundation’s 6th Summit for Space Sustainability is scheduled to take place in Japan on July 11-12.


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