What to do about human-made space junk? A first step is get up to speed on speeding orbital clutter!

The NASA Academy of Program/Project & Engineering Leadership (APPEL) has made public release of Orbital Debris Management and Risk Mitigation, its first publication of NASA training materials using the iBook format.

Orbital Debris Management & Risk Mitigation introduced in the spring of 2012, enables the seamless integration of text with videos, 3-D models, image galleries, and interactive graphics.

This unique training course provides mission-critical knowledge that helps NASA missions implement with agency’s overarching strategic goals and the U.S. National Space Policy goals for sustainability in space.

Here’s a great example of what’s available, focused on impact risk to the International Space Station. Go to:


The new iBook supplements the existing course taught by Nicholas Johnson, Chief Scientist in the Orbital Debris Program Office at the NASA Johnson Space Center.

These supplementary materials are now freely available to everyone.

The book was produced using iBook’s Author, a free software.

NOTE: Since iBooks are designed to function on an iPad, APPEL has also released a PDF of the complete text and all multimedia materials for readers using other technologies or e-readers.

To gain access to this treasure trove of information, go to:


By Leonard David