Jul 9, 2010 | Blog, Education Station, European Space Agency, Exploration, International Cooperation, Kids Space, Newsroom, Space and Science, Space Research
The European Space Agency’s (ESA) Rosetta spacecraft is on track to zoom past asteroid 21 Lutetia on July 10. The event marks the largest asteroid ever visited by a space probe. Will it look anything like this artist’s sketch? Asteroid Lutetia is a major...
Jul 6, 2010 | Blog, Education Station, Exploration, International Cooperation, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), Kids Space, Our Solar System, Space and Science, Space Research
Particles have been detected inside the Hayabusa sample container, a process which began on June 24 at the Sagamiharashi campus’ curation center near Tokyo. However, it is still unknown whether the particles belong to asteroid Itokawa or Earth, and tests will...
Jul 5, 2010 | Blog, Education Station, Exploration, International Cooperation, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), Kids Space, Newsroom, Our Solar System, Space and Science, Space Research
Japan’s Hayabusa sample container – asteroid specimens? Credit: JAXA Graphic of Hayabusa return capsule. Credit: JAXA There’s heightened excitement at the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA). It appears that Japan’s Hayabusa space probe may...
Jul 2, 2010 | Blog, Education Station, Exploration, Mars, NASA, Space and Science, Space Research
NASA’s next Mars rover: Curiosity – Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech NASA’s mega-Mars rover, Curiosity, is the centerpiece of the Mars Science Laboratory mission. It is slated to head for the red planet late next year. Meanwhile, engineers and technicians...
Jun 30, 2010 | Blog, Education Station, European Space Agency, Exploration, Kids Space, Our Solar System, Space and Science, Space Research
Expect the unexpected. That’s likely to be the case on July 10 as the European Space Agency’s (ESA) Rosetta spacecraft encounters asteroid Lutetia. The spacecraft will whisk by the object, studying it with a bevy of scientific instruments. Lutetia will be the second...
Jun 29, 2010 | Blog, Education, Education Station, Exploration, Mars, Our Solar System, Space and Science, Space Research
Explore Mars Inc has launched a new program to challenge science educators around the United States to develop creative ways to fit Mars science and exploration into the classroom. The organization has called upon science educators to develop Mars-related curricula...
Jun 25, 2010 | Blog, Education Station, Exploration, Mars, NASA, Newsroom, Planet Earth, Space and Science, Space Research, Space Tourism, The Moon
Credit: Pew Research Center for the People & the Press Many Americans see dramatic scientific and technological advancements on the horizon, with big developments in space travel, medicine, engineering, and computers. However, despite the widely anticipated...
Jun 25, 2010 | Blog, Education Station, Exploration, NASA, Newsroom, Our Solar System, Space and Science, Space Research
Over the weekend, NASA’s Deep Impact spacecraft will fly past Earth for the fifth and last time. Swinging by Earth on June 27th, the probe’s trajectory then places it on target for a close encounter with comet Hartley 2 later this year. The NASA Deep Impact mission...
Jun 24, 2010 | European Space Agency, Our Solar System, Space and Science, Space Research, The Sun
In Europe, scientists have found evidence that searing Venus may once have been a water world, perhaps suitable for life. Their speculation is based on findings from the European Space Agency’s Venus Express, a spacecraft mission launched in November 2005 for...
Jun 24, 2010 | Blog, Education Station, Exploration, International Cooperation, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), Kids Space, Newsroom, Our Solar System, Space and Science, Space Research
Hayabusa sample container – ready for opening! Credit: JAXA Hayabusa specialists ready return sample container for opening. Hopes are high that the opening of a returned-to-Earth sample capsule does contain bits of an asteroid. The Japan Aerospace Exploration...