Mar 29, 2011 | Ask the Expert, Blog, Education Station, Exploration, NASA, Space and Science, The Sun
Credit: Jason Rowe – NASA/Kepler Mission NASA’s Kepler spacecraft has been on the prowl since 2009, busily sweeping space with a special photometer. That high-tech device continuously monitors the brightness of over 145,000 main sequence stars in a fixed field...
Mar 28, 2011 | Ask the Expert, Blog, Book Reviews, Education Station, Exploration, Hubble Space Telescope, International Cooperation, Kids Space, Mars, NASA, Our Solar System, Space and Science, The Moon, The Sun, Why Space
Strange New Worlds – The Search for Alien Planets…and Life Beyond Our Solar Systemby Ray Jayawardhana ; Princeton University Press; Princeton, New Jersey; $24.95; (hard cover) March 2011. This delightful and engaging book tells the story of humankind’s quest to locate...
Mar 26, 2011 | Blog, Education Station, Exploration, Kids Space, MESSENGER, NASA, Our Solar System, Space and Science
Artist captures NASA’s MESSENGER spacecraft in orbit around the planet Mercury. Credit: NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Carnegie Institution of Washington NASA’s MESSENGER spacecraft is the first spacecraft ever to enter Mercury’s...
Mar 23, 2011 | Blog, Education Station, Exploration, International Space Station, Mars, NASA, Space Research
Former astronaut, Bruce McCandless, explains docking of Orion with the International Space Station during opening ceremonies of the Lockheed Martin Space Operations Simulation Center. Credit: Barbara David James Bray, Director for Orion Crew and Service Module, points...
Mar 20, 2011 | Exploration, International Space Station, Mars, NASA, Space Research
More than 30 experts from NASA and the commercial space industry will gather in Washington on April 6-7 for the 2nd International Space Station and Mars Conference. The two-day event, hosted by ExploreMars, Inc., will explore the role of the International Space...
Mar 19, 2011 | Ask the Expert, Blog, Book Reviews, Education Station, Exploration, International Space Station, Kids Space, NASA, Shuttle Discovery, Space Shuttle
Voyages of Discovery – The Missions of the Space Shuttle Discovery by Robert A. Adamcik; Apogee Prime; Canada; $24.95 (soft cover); 2010. As NASA’s space shuttle program rolls to full stop, the missions performed by each of the orbiters have been truly stunning. The...
Mar 17, 2011 | Ask the Expert, Blog, Education Station, Exploration, Kids Space, NASA, Space and Science, Space Research
Courtesy: UND A unique test of a planetary exploration suit is on tap to be tested at a remote military base in Antarctica. Called the NDX-1 – the suit was designed and constructed at the University of North Dakota (UND) through NASA funding provided by the North...
Mar 16, 2011 | Blog, Education Station, Exploration, NASA, The Moon, Why Space
Credit: InOMN “Your Moon, My Moon, Our Moon” – that’s a credo of the International Observe the Moon Night (InOMN)! Mark your calendars as the 2011 event is on October 8th. A dedicated InOMN Internet site provides some great information and downloads to help you plan...
Mar 16, 2011 | International Space Station, NASA
A three-man, U. S. and Russian Soyuz crew descended to a wintry landing in Kazakhstan early Wednesday, ending a 159-day voyage to the International Space Station for NASA’s Scott Kelly and cosmonauts Alexander Kaleri and Oleg Skripochka. The landing, under parachute...
Mar 13, 2011 | Commercial Space, International Space Station, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), NASA, Planet Earth, Space and Science
The vast scope of the disaster in Japan from Friday’s Earthquake and Tsunami is vivid in satellite views. Some of the most stirring high altitude photographs come from DigitalGlobe, the Longmont, Colo., satellite imagery company. NASA’s Terra and Aqua...