Jul 2, 2012 | Blog, Education Station, International Cooperation, Kids Space, NASA, Planet Earth
It was 50 years ago this month when the first privately sponsored space-faring mission reached Earth orbit. Telstar 1 was lofted on July 10, 1962 from Cape Canaveral, enabling the world’s first transmissions of live television. Some two weeks after the satellite’s...
Jun 26, 2012 | Asteroid Exploration, European Space Agency, Exploration, International Cooperation, Mars, NASA, Planet Earth, Space and Science
Asteroids are gaining big time on the respect scale. Two years ago, President Obama directed NASA to alter plans for a human lunar return and focus instead on mission that would land U.S. explorers one of the small rocky bodies by 2025. The mission would...
Jun 6, 2012 | Asteroid Exploration, Blog, Education Station, International Cooperation, Kids Space, NASA, Our Solar System, Space and Science
A new video from NASA’s Dawn mission has been issued that shows the giant asteroid Vesta in colorful terms. This newly issued visualization enables a detailed view of the variation in the material properties of Vesta in the context of its topography. The colors were...
May 28, 2012 | Ask the Expert, Blog, Education Station, Exploration, International Cooperation, Kids Space, Mars, NASA, Space and Science
WASHINGTON, D.C. — NASA’s Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) is drawing closer to a red planet touchdown at Gale Crater. That early August landing, if successful, will open a new chapter of investigating Mars in preparation for eventual human visits. The keys to...
May 15, 2012 | International Cooperation, International Space Station, NASA, Roscosmos, Space and Science
A three-man U. S.and Russian crew successfully lifted off for the International Space Station from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan late Monday. The Soyuz capsule with Joseph Acaba, of NASA, and cosmonauts Gennady Padalka and Sergei Revin...
May 14, 2012 | Asteroid Exploration, Education Station, European Space Agency, International Cooperation, Kids Space, NASA, Our Solar System, Planet Earth
Any attempt to survey and catalog hazardous asteroids faces a number of difficulties. Coming to aid the effort are amateur astronomers, ready to boost the European Space Agency’s (ESA) asteroid hunt as part of ESA’s Space Situational Awareness program. A new...
May 11, 2012 | Ask the Expert, Blog, Education Station, European Space Agency, Exploration, Hubble Space Telescope, International Cooperation, Kids Space, Space and Science
Since 1995, when the first extrasolar planet was reported, the number of detections has increased to roughly 750 newly found worlds. All of these planets orbit stars. But a very few, if any, have been deemed potential candidates for life. New work by an international...
May 9, 2012 | Blog, Education Station, Exploration, International Cooperation, Kids Space, NASA, Space and Science
The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) project has reached yet another milestone. The first instrument to be completed for JWST has been transferred from the European Space Agency to NASA – the Mid InfraRed Instrument, or MIRI for short. This month’s handover comes at...
Apr 27, 2012 | Ask the Expert, Blog, Education Station, Exploration, International Cooperation, Kids Space, Mars, NASA, Planet Earth, Space and Science
Can life survive on Mars? Yes! That’s the word from Planetary researchers at the German Aerospace Center (DLR). DLR scientists have exposed various microorganisms for 34 days in simulated Martian conditions. In just issued findings, both alpine and polar lichens were...
Apr 19, 2012 | Hubble Space Telescope, International Cooperation, International Space Station, NASA, Space Shuttle
Orbiter Discovery now belongs to the Smithsonian Institution’s Air and Space Museum and the American people. The spacecraft’s official transfer from NASA to the famed museum’s Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center at Dulles International Airport in...