Mar 31, 2010 | Ask the Expert, Education Station, Exploration, NASA, Space and Science, Space Research, Space Shuttle
In a first-of-its-kind experiment, the unique conditions of space flight will be used to examine how cells remain healthy or succumb to disease, particularly in the face of stress or damage. At Arizona State University (ASU) in Tempe, Biodesign Institute researchers...
Mar 29, 2010 | Ask the Expert, Education Station, Exploration, Kids Space, Mars, NASA, Space and Science, Space Research, The Sun
Future inhabitants of Mars (those that are not already there, perhaps) are in need of a space storm monitoring system. That’s the advice of Roger Dube, professor in the Chester F. Carlson Center for Imaging Science at Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) in...
Mar 29, 2010 | Ask the Expert, Education Station, Exploration, NASA, Our Solar System, Space and Science
The Cassini spacecraft orbiting Saturn continues to churn out mind-blowing imagery. Collected last month during its closest flyby yet of Saturn’s “Death Star” looking moon, Mimas, new imagery is available for your perusal. The verdict from Carolyn...
Mar 27, 2010 | Ask the Expert, Commercial Space, Education Station, Exploration, Space Race, Space Tourism, Spaceports
The skies over Mojave, California’s Air and Space Port have seen significant suborbital traffic recently. On March 20th, Masten Space Systems flew their automated Xombie craft to its highest altitude yet: 1,046 feet. That test hop above the desert landscape is a...