New Free NASA Book Offers “Crash Course” in Orbital Debris

What to do about human-made space junk? A first step is get up to speed on speeding orbital clutter! The NASA Academy of Program/Project & Engineering Leadership (APPEL) has made public release of Orbital Debris Management and Risk Mitigation, its first...

Free Read! NASA Books Look Back, Gaze into the Future

NASA has issued an impressive volume, just right for reading as the space agency encounters a new year. NASA at 50: Interviews with NASA’s Senior Leadership is edited by Rebecca Wright, Sandra Johnson, and Steven J. Dick. The 50th anniversary of NASA on 1...

New Tool for You! Turn Space Data into Infographics

There’s a new website in space town! JPL Infographics is available to you, a way to transform NASA data into scientific works of art. The site provides extensive collections of NASA science and mission data, graphics and space images that users can download to create...

Drilling on Mars: Space Solution to Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill?

Could drilling on the red planet offer some insight into dealing with that horrific, on-going saga of an oil spill off the Louisiana coast? A host of solutions are being reviewed to cut off spewing oil from 5,000 feet below sea-level. U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu...