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Today’s CSExtra offers the latest reporting and commentary on space related activities from across the globe. Now on its way to Mars, NASA’s MAVEN spacecraft promises to open doors for future human explorers. This era’s moonshot – catching an asteroid. The stars are our destiny, the idea of moving into space. U.S. Congressional Budget Office suggests the nation save $73 billion by dropping human space exploration. Ad Astra Rocket Co., experiments with advanced propulsion for human deep space exploration, orbital debris cleanup and other missions. NASA drops research on advanced energy source for deep space probes. Comet ISON displays wings. Large galactic structure confounds astronomers. NASA and its partners join in 15th birthday celebration for the International Space Station. Will U.S. and its partners extend space station operations beyond 2020? Student satellite reaches orbit late Tuesday, following lift off from U.S. East Coast. Sally Ride, America’s first female astronaut and advocate for STEM education, among Presidential Medal of Honor recipients at White House. NASA initiates next phase of Commercial Crew Program.
Human Deep Space Exploration
NASA talks human exploration of Mars during recent briefing (11/19): NASA’s just launched Mars mission, MAVEN, promises to make discoveries at the red planet that will help to pave the way for future human missions.
This era’s moonshot: Catching an asteroid
Florida Weekly (11/19): NASA is developing a first-ever mission to identify, rendezvous with, capture and redirect a small asteroid into a stable orbit in the lunar vicinity, and then send humans to visit it using the Space Launch System rocket and Orion spacecraft. This mission represents an unprecedented technological feat and allows NASA to affordably pursue the Administration’s goal of visiting an asteroid by 2025.
The Corsair (11/19): One of the great inescapable truths about human progress is that as we advance technologically, we will need to seriously consider the idea of moving out into space.
CBO: Ending U.S. human spaceflight program would save billions
Space News (11/19): The U.S. could save $73 billion between 2015 and 2023 by ending human space exploration efforts, according to the Congressional Budget Office. “The main argument for this option is that increased capabilities in electronics and information technology have generally reduced the need for humans to fly space missions” according to the CBO.
Unmanned Deep Space Exploration
High-tech VASIMR rocket engine could tackle Mars trips, space junk and more (11/19): In Houston, Ad Astra Rocket Co., led by former NASA astronaut Franklin Chang Diaz, pioneers the development of VASIMR, a plasma rocket engine, that could whisk humans to Mars, boost the International Space Station or address the Earth’s orbital debris threat.
NASA stops production of advanced plutonium power source
Space News (11/19): NASA turns to plutonium fueled Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generators as a source of electrical power for deep space missions rather than investing in an alternative. Change in course addresses budget challenges.
Look! Comet ISON has sprouted a pair of wings [Photo]
Los Angeles Times (11/19): Check in on comet ISON. Now visible to the naked eye, ISON is barreling toward a late November encounter with the sun. If ISON swings around, the comet could become a prominent feature in the night skies of Earth.
Universe’s largest structure is a cosmic conundrum (11/19): Astronomers have found a mind-bogglingly large structure — so big it takes light 10 billion years to traverse — in a distant part of the universe. Scientists found the new structure by mapping the locations of gamma ray bursts.
Low Earth Orbit
Celebrating 15 years since the sunrise
NASA (11/19): Zarya, or “Sunrise,” the first piece of the International Space Station soared into orbit atop a Russian Proton rocket 15 years ago today. NASA’s first contribution, Node 1 or Unity, soon followed aboard the space shuttle Endeavour.
On space station’s birthday, questions about its future
Houston Chronicle (11/19): International Space Station marks 15th birthday on Wednesday, with future uncertain. Just as the six person orbiting science laboratory is beginning to become productive in science, questions about its future emerge. Unless the partners agree to an extension, the station could be de-orbited in 2020.
Teenaged space station thriving after 15 years of science, extreme construction and tricky repairs
Universe Today (11/19): Partners in International Space Station mark 15th anniversary since launch of first module.
ESA (11/20): The European Space Agency, one of the space station’s major partners, marks the program’s 15th year.
NASA satellite launch lights up sky over Mid-Atlantic
CBS News (11/19): Twenty-nine small payloads climb to orbit aboard an Orbital Sciences Corp. Minotaur rocket launched from Virginia’s eastern shore Tuesday night.
Fairfax County students build first satellite sent to space
Washington Post (11/19): Minotaur rocket carries TJCubeSat, the first satellite designed and built by high school students, into space, with launching from Virginia’s eastern shore on Tuesday night. The spacecraft was the result of seven years of work by more than 50 students from Thomas Jefferson High School.
Space pioneer Sally Ride among presidential honorees
USA Today (11/19): Sally Ride, America’s first female astronaut, is among 16 recipients of the Presidential Medal of Honor honored at the White House.
China launches remote-sensing satellite
Xinhuanet (11/20): China launches an Earth observing satellites that some report may have a military mission.
Commercial to Low Earth Orbit
NASA advances effort to launch astronauts again from U.S. soil to space station
NASA (11/19): NASA moves ahead with the next phase of the Commercial Crew Program. The Commercial Crew Transportation Capability initiative seeks proposals from U.S. companies for the development of a NASA certified capability to transport U.S. astronauts to the International Space Station and other orbital destinations. Given adequate budgeting, NASA’s goal is to inaugurate launches in 2017.
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