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Today’s CSExtra offers the latest reporting and commentary on space related activities from across the globe. NASA hosts Washington round table today at 9 a.m., EST, on steps under way to enable human deep space exploration. U.S., Indian Mars missions overcome obstacles U.S. planetary, astrophysics missions facing fiscal challenges. The sun throws a curve. NASA moon probe redefines lunar cratering. U.S. scientists believe Martian moon Phobos may host soil, rocks from the red planet. New technologies promise to extend reach of alien planet search. Earthlings, aware of not, face uncertainty over falling space debris, asteroid impacts. Alabama fireball traced to comet debris. Russian Proton launches military satellite.
Human Deep Space Exploration
NASA TV airs discussion on removing barriers to deep space exploration
NASA (11/1): NASA to host Washington round table on next steps in human exploration today at 9 a.m., EST. NASA Television will air discussion with aerospace industry leaders about the progress being made toward sending humans into deep space. Participants will include representatives from the firms developing the Space Launch System heavy lift rocket and the Orion crew exploration vehicle.
Unmanned Deep Space Exploration
Curiosity rover suffers software glitch on Mars (11/11): A software reboot cures a difficulty with NASA’s Mars Curiosity rover that surfaced last week. “It was the first time Curiosity had experienced such a fault-related reboot since landing on Mars in August 2012,” according to a NASA update.
Indian Mars mission weathers first snag (11/11): India on Monday overcomes an obstacle from the previous day with the Mars Orbiter Mission, the nation’s first attempt to send an orbital probe to the red planet.
The Space Review (11/11): Space science and astrophysics, especially in the U.S., are in the midst of a golden age of discovery. There are missions under way at Mercury, the moon, Mars, the asteroid belt and Saturn with more on the way to Jupiter and Pluto. Others are aimed at the frontiers of space. However, the money to sustain many of these initiatives or start successors is waning, TSR editor Jeff Foust reports.
Wall Street Journal (11/11): It’s the apex of the 11-year-solar cycle. This solar max, however, is strangely mellow. Sun spots are half the norm. The magnetic poles are out of sync.
NASA’s GRAIL mission puts a new face on the moon (11/11) NASA’s recently concluded twin GRAIL mission to the moon sheds new light on differences in crater impacts on the near and far sides of the moon.
Russia’s second shot at Phobos may return bits of Mars as well
Universe Today (11/11): Brown University researchers suggest Phobos, the moon of Mars, may have gathered dust and rocks from the red planet that were blasted away by impacts. Russia’s 2020 Phobos Grunt mission, designed to land on Phobos, gather samples of the soil and return them to Earth, could gather soil from Mars as well. Russia’s first attempt at a Phobos Grunt mission failed to leave Earth orbit, following a late 2011 launching.
Incredible Technology: How future space missions may hunt for alien planets (11/11): NASA’s Kepler space telescope, an exo-planet hunter, faltered in the spring. examines the new search technologies that the U.S. and Europe are contemplating for future missions to find and characterize alien planets.
Watch out for falling space junk and asteroids
New York Times (11/11): On Sunday, it was the demise of Europe’s GOCE satellite, which made an uncontrolled re-entry into the Earth’s atmosphere, with no injuries reported. Last week, it was a detailed report from scientists on the Feb. 15 asteroid explosion over Chelyabinsk in Russia in which hundreds were injured. The future is likely to include more of both kinds of events than previously assumed.
Low Earth Orbit
Sunday night’s fireball over Alabama was a ‘Jupiter family comet,’ NASA says (photos) (video)
Huntsville Times (11/11): A fireball that flashed across the skies of Georgia on Sunday belonged to a comet, according to scientists at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center.
Proton rocket lifts off with Russian military payload (11/11): A Russian Proton rocket launches a military communication satellite.
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