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Today’s CSExtra offers the latest reporting and commentary on space related activities from across the globe. NASA sets Washington Round table with Space Launch System, Orion contractors on future of human space exploration. Will China’s lunar rover mission foreshadow a human mission? India counting down to first Mars mission launch. U.N. General Assembly assesses asteroid defense strategy. 10-year-old spots stellar explosion. Solar activity on the wane.  Asteroids masquerading as comets. Opportunity rover to spend 6th Martian winter at Solander Point.  Annular eclipse dazzles on Sunday. Next astronaut launch to be featured on Times Square live screen. Boulder remembers native son Scott Carpenter. Soon to land astronaut Karen Nyberg launches quilt project. United Launch Alliance churning out U.S. rockets at unprecedented pace. Richard Branson’s suborbital business inspired by Mikhail Gorbachev.  A look at major space activities scheduled for the week ahead.


Human Deep Space Exploration

NASA TV Airs Discussion on Removing Barriers to Deep Space Exploration

NASA (11/1): NASA to join executives from Aerojet Rocketdyne, ATK Space Launch Division, Boeing Space Exploration and Lockheed Martin Space Systems on Nov. 12 at 9 a.m., ET, for a televised Washington round table on future  human exploration possibilities. Guest Lineup includes representatives from companies at work on NASA’s Space Launch System heavy lift rocket and the Orion crew exploration capsule.

China’s bold lunar plan

Aerospace America Magazine (November 2013): China has borrowed from NASA’s Mars rover missions to develop Beijing’s Chang’e 3, lunar lander and rover, according to Western experts. The mission appears to be a prelude to a Chinese human mission to the moon and a signal that maybe it’s time for the U.S. and China to collaborate.

Unmanned Deep Space Exploration

City-made lunar rover set for moon

Xinhuanet of China (11/3): Six wheeled Chinese lunar rover assembled in Shanghai with cameras. Mission set for launch in December.

India vies for elite place in space exploration with ambitious satellite voyage to Mars

Associated Press via Washington Post (11/4): Countdown gets underway on Sunday for the launching of India’s first Mar probe. The Mars Orbiter Mission is scheduled for a lift off Tuesday at 4:08 a.m., ET. Success promises new prestige for India as it attempts to join elite space faring nations at the red planet. Mission considered tech demonstration.

Space Agencies Of The World, Unite: The U.N.’s Asteroid Defense Plan

National Public Radio (11/3): United Nations General Assembly considers plan proposed by the Association for Space Explorers and others to find and deflect difficult to detect asteroids like the one that exploded over Chelyabinsk, Russia on Feb. 15. Plan would share warnings among nations of the world and mount a demonstration deflection mission.

10-Year-Old boy discovers a 600 million year-old supernova

Universe Today ( 11/1): Nathan Gray made the discovery while scanning astronomical images taken by Dave Lane, who runs the Abbey Ridge Observatory (ARO) which is stationed in Nova Scotia.

Solar activity heads for lowest low in four centuries

New Scientist (11/1): Expect solar activity to decline to levels not seen in centuries, leading solar physicist predicts.

Astronomers puzzle over newfound asteroid that acts like a comet

Scientific American (11/1): When, why do some asteroids masquerade as comets?

Going to take you higher — Mars rover rolls to energy lily pads

Coalition for Space Exploration (11/3): NASA’s Opportunity rover prepares for its sixth winter on the red planet. Solander Point, with its sun angles on the rim of Endeavour Crater, seems like ideal refuge.

Rare eclipse dazzles Africa:

AFP via Discovery News (11/3): Annular eclipse visible to U.S. East Coast and points east early Sunday, includes photos.

Low Earth Orbit

Time Square Toshiba vision screen to broadcast next station launch.

Spaceflight Insider (11/3): Live television from Times Square in New York planned for launch of astronauts to the International Space Station. NASA’s Rick Mastracchio, Russia’s Michail Tyurin and Japan’s Koichi Wakata are scheduled to lift off Wednesday, Nov. 6 at 11:14 p.m., ET.

‘Godspeed Scott Carpenter’: Boulder astronaut remembered as inspiring figure: Second American to orbit Earth honored where life’s journey began

Boulder Colorado Daily Camera (11/2): In his hometown, Mercury astronaut Scott Carpenter’s family and friends gather to honor the late adventurer. Carpenter died Oct. 10 following a stroke. He was 88.

Scott Carpenter’s Grand Adventure

Outside Online (11/1): Kris Stoever, Carpenter’s daughter, recalls her father, his upbringing and his passions.

Space quilt project started

Galveston County Daily News (11/3): NASA astronaut Karen Nyberg, close to the end of a 5 1/2 month mission to the International Space Station, starts a quilting project. Invites others to submit “squares.”

Commercial to Low Earth Orbit

ULA Findings its stride in rocket production

Space News (11/1): The Decatur, Ala., main rocket production factory for United Launch Alliance, the Boeing and Lockheed Martin joint venture, is operating at its highest capacity ever.


Richard Branson on Space Travel: The Virgin Group founder on his latest out-of-this world venture: Virgin Galactic

Wall Street Journal (Nov. 1): Businessman Richard Branson discusses his vision for space tourism and a source of his inspiration, Mikhail Gorbachev.

Space Policy Events for the Week of November 4-10, 2013 (11/3): A look at major space related activities scheduled for the week ahead. A key event is a conference on NASA’s Kepler mission and the search for Earth like planets.

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