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Thursday’s CSExtra offers the latest reporting and commentary on space related activities from across the globe. NASA’s Jupiter bound Juno spacecraft whipped around the Earth for a velocity boost on Wednesday, then tripped into safe mode. NASA’s Neowise mission reprised to resume mapping asteroid discoveries. In Egypt, an odd stone leads to a comet impact discovery. New study suggests comet ISON will survive its late November encounter with the sun. Astronomers detect rare planet without a star. Apollo crew seeks formal recognition of lunar landmarks. Concerns for U.S. government shutdown grow among scientists, NASA contractors.
1. From NASA’s Juno mission spacecraft whips around the Earth on Wednesday but slips into safe mode during the encounter. The spacecraft, however, emerged on course to maneuver into orbit around Jupiter on July 4, 2016.
A. From the Coalition for Space NASA’s $1.1 billion Juno mission spacecraft nears Earth gravity assist to speed 2016 encounter with Jupiter.
B. From the Planetary Society: Juno emerges from Earth flyby in “safe mode” but is in good shape, Rick Nybakken, NASA’s Juno Project Manager at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, tells Planetary Society blogger Emily Lakdawalla. Communications and command capability are good.
C. From the Associated Press via the Washington Post: Despite the Juno safe mode issue, “we believe we are on track as planned to Jupiter,” said project manager Rick Nybakken of the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, which manages the $1.1 billion mission.
D. From Concern level for Juno is “moderate,” after the spacecraft enters safe mode following Earth flyby.
2. From Scientists begin to chill down NASA’s NEOWISE mission spacecraft to resume its search for near Earth asteroids in early 2014. Launched as the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer mission, the space telescope was de-activated in 2011. The upcoming asteroid search may last three years.
3. From In Egypt, scientists find the first direct evidence of a comet impacting the Earth. The lead evidence came from a strange pebble. The comet impact is dated at 28 million years.
4. From Nature News: Comet ISON is likely to survive its encounter with the sun in late November, according to new simulations. The means ISON could emerge to become a bright object in the skies over Earth in December. Astronomers believe the deep space object is making its first and only encounter with the inner solar system.
5. From Astronomers using the Pan-STARRS 1 wide-field survey telescope in Hawaii spot a large planet without a host star. The object is 80 light years from the Earth.
6. From Early U.S. Apollo astronauts attached names like Mount Marilyn to distinctive lunar landmarks. Two of the astronauts from the Apollo 8 mission are urging the International Astronomical Union to recognize their designations.
7. From the Huffington Post: U.S. government shutdown sends chill through science community. Young researchers wonder how badly their careers, projects could be damaged.
A. From CBSNews: Furloughed workers at NASA’s Ames Research Center march on Wednesday, expressing concerns their absence exposes the U.S. to cyber security risks. “Congress may think it’s okay to get paid and do nothing. But we don’t expect that,” said one of the protesters.
B. From Palo Alto online: Protesters at NASA’s Ames Research Center protest U.S. government shutdown. “I’m supposed to be looking for planets, but I’m not,” said Kepler mission scientist Natalie Batalha, whose words inspired the crowd to begin chanting, “We love Kepler! We want Kepler!”
C. From Aviation Week & Space Technology: In Houston, NASA contractors face growing risk of furlough without assurance they will be repaid.
D. From Nature News: The National Optical Astronomy Observatory, of Tucson, Ariz., is set to close if the U.S. government shutdown extends beyond Oct. 18.
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