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Tuesday’s CSExtra offers the latest reporting and commentary on space related activities from across the globe. NASA veterans urge more U.S. spending on human space exploration. Americans support increased U.S. space spending once they are provided with actual details of NASA’s budget, survey research finds. International space planning group points to moon, near Earth asteroids, then Mars. U.S. government worker furloughs impact 2014 flight test plans for NASA’s Orion crew exploration vehicle, work on U.S. commercial crew capability. European deep space probe looks to 2014 comet encounter. Closely watched Washington area rocket launch places probe in lunar orbit. Live camera viewing of aurora wins International Space Station research contest. China marks its first decade of human space flight. Solar activity fuels new aurora activity. Minor lunar eclipse coming Friday. The Earth in a flash. Neptune visible with binoculars.
1. From Space News: NASA veterans, now retired or involved in commercial pursuits, urge more spending on U.S. space exploration at a key annual space community conference, the American Astronautical Society’s annual Wernher von Braun Memorial Symposium, in Huntsville, Ala. “Our community has to fight for a reinvigorated space program, even when budgets are tight,” Doug Cooke, who was NASA’s associate administrator for exploration systems when he retired in 2011, informed the gathering.
2. From The Space Review: In “Testing the Neil De Grasse Tyson Effect,” Political scientist Alan Steinberg offers survey data supporting astrophysicist Neil De Grasse Tyson’s assertion that the American public supports more spending on space exploration once citizens are accurately informed of current spending levels. Tyson called for more spending in his latest book Space Chronicles: Facing the Ultimate Frontier.
3. From An international planning group, the International Space Exploration Coordination Group, works toward a consensus in future human space exploration, with destination goals extending from the International Space Station to the moon and near Earth asteroid but meeting at Mars. As NASA works to direct its resources toward the development of the Space Launch System heavy lift rocket and the Orion crew exploration vehicle, the agency has indicated a desire to allocate the design and construction of currently “notional” mission components to its international partners, the website reports. ISECG counts 14 member nations.
4. From Space News: The U.S. government shutdown stalls preparations for a key test flight of NASA’s Orion crew exploration capsule scheduled for 2014. Lockheed Martin, the prime contractor, works around potential delay at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center, the launch site. As of last week, the stall had not delayed prospects for a test launch late next year.
A. From Space News. U.S. government shutdown impacts three U.S. companies partnered with NASA to re-establish a U.S. astronaut launch capability. Some development milestone payments are delayed.
B. From U.S. government shutdown does not silence use of Twitter by International Space Station astronauts.
C. From the Associated Press: Germany suspends popular broadcast of Earth imagery from the International Space Station, accompanied by music. U.S. government shutdown to blame.
5. From the Coalition for Space Exploration: The European Space Agency’s Rosetta orbiter and lander mission spacecraft, launched in 2004, will awaken electronically within 100 days. Rosetta is headed for an August 2014 encounter with the comet 67P/Churyumov Gerasimenko.
6. From the Washington Post: NASA spacecraft launched from the Washington area, the Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer, or LADEE, is now orbiting the moon. Orbital Sciences Corp launched the spacecraft Sept. 6 from Virginia’s eastern shore.
7. From the Center for Advancement of Science in Space: The NASA chartered nonprofit that coordinates research in the U.S. National Laboratory portions of the International Space Station announces winners in a crowd sourcing “What would you send to the ISS?” contest. The winning proposal would image the northern and southern lights in real time. A runner up would use the station to manufacture CubeSats using 3-D printing technologies.
A. From Space News: Experiments from the nonprofit Center for Advancement of Science in Space, established by NASA to support research aboard the U.S. National Laboratory portion of the International Space Station, reaches the space station in late September. Space News profiles former NASA astronaut Greg “Box” Johnson, who took over as executive director of CASIS earlier this year.
8. From the Economic Times, of India: China marks the 10th anniversary of its first human space flight. Yang Liwei was China’s first, orbiting the Earth 14 times.
9. From New solar coronal mass ejection appears likely to strike the Earth’s magnetic field today and illuminate the aurora.
10. From Minor lunar eclipse coming Friday night.
11. From The Earth we live on: a planet hurtling through interstellar space.
12. From Neptune, the most distant planet in the solar system, moves within view of observers using binoculars. Clear, dark skies are a must for viewing.
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