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Thursday’s CSExtra offers the latest reporting and commentary on space related activities from across the globe. On the U. S. West Coast, NASA readies a solar observatory for a night time launch. NASA Administrator Charles Bolden, in a NASA blog, backs efforts outlined by President Obama earlier this week to address global warming. NASA’s Deep Space Network will assist India with the tracking and navigation or an orbital Mars mission set for launch later this year. A California start up plans to deploy a constellation of Earth imaging Nanosats as a secondary payload on an International Space Station re-supply mission. NASA’s Glenn Research Center in Cleveland nears historic designation. Russian authorities probe a major theft at the Baikonur Cosmodrome. Experts comb recent imagery of the lunar terrain for evidence of relics from early U. S. and Soviet era missions.
1. From At Vandenberg Air Force Base, Calif., NASA prepares for a night launch of the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph solar observatory. IRIS was developed to study the high temperature solar corona. The findings could prove useful in the prediction of communications blackouts and power outages associated with solar storms.
2. From NASA Administrator Charles Bolden pledges support for environmental protection initiatives outlined by President Obama earlier this week in an address at Georgetown University in Washington. Climate change deserves the nation’s attention, said Obama.
3. From Space News: NASA will make the Deep Space Network, long used to track unmanned U. S. deep space probes, available to India for the Mars orbiter mission it plans to launch in October/November. U. S. Secretary of State John Kerry outlined the agreement earlier this week from New Delhi.
4. From Space News: Planet Labs, a start up founded by three former NASA employees, plans a December launch for Flock 1, a collection of 28 nano-satellites designed to gather frequent high resolution images of the Earth’s surface.
5. From The Cleveland Sun. An aging infrastructure at NASA’s Glenn Research Center near Cleveland merits a historic designation. Glenn opened in 1941 as part of NASA’s predecessor, the National Advisory Committee on Aeronautics.
6. From Ria Novosti, of Russia: Authorities investigate a near $450,000 theft from Russia’s Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. The probe is focused on fraud and the signing of fictitious agreements.
7. From On July 14,1967, NASA lost contact with Surveyor 4 as the lander descended to the lunar surface. Today, Surveyor 4 is one of several early U. S. and Soviet era spacecraft that experts are hunting for in recent imagery of the lunar terrain.
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