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Wednesday’s CSExtra offers the latest news and commentary on space related activities from across the globe. China’s Shenzhou-10 mission, launched Tuesday, lays groundwork for a future Chinese space station. One U.S. space policy analyst suggests the U.S. and China seek a cooperative course in space. Planetary Resources proposes an increase in its fundraising goals to add an alien planet search to its asteroid mining ambitions. NASA ponders nuclear fusion as a propulsion source. NASA’s Commercial Crew Program partners plan an expansion of their Florida activities.
1. From Aviation Week & Space Technology: China’s 15-day Shenzhou-10 mission will lay more groundwork for a Chinese space station by testing orbital docking techniques and life support systems. The new Chinese station should be operational around 2020. Launching of the first components is anticipated in 2015.
A. From The New York Times: China’s Beijing News offers extensive coverage of the Shenzhou-10 flight, including the menu prepared for this year’s Dragon Boat Festival, the first marked by Chinese in space.
B. From Three from China reach Earth’s orbit. Their destination is the Tiangong-1, a space station prototype launched in late 2011.
C. From China’s Shenzhou-10 mission has roots. A look at the history.
2. From, of China: It’s time for the U.S. and China to forge a cooperative course in space, according to one U.S. space policy expert, Greg Kulacki, an analyst for the Union of Concerned Scientists. China’s state news agency featured his call as Beijing launched its fifth human space mission since 2003. The two-man, one-woman Shenzhou-10 crew lifted off early Tuesday on a 15-day mission to China’s Tiangong-1 orbital outpost.
3. From As Planetary Resources closes in on a $1 million crowd funding goal for a new space telescope, the asteroid mining company offers to raise the stakes. If Planetary Resources can raise $2 million, it will add alien planet seeking features to its Arkyd space observatory. June 30 remains the deadline for the Kickstarter fundraising effort.
4. NASA ponders nuclear fusion as a propulsion source for space exploration endeavors.
5. From Florida Today: In Florida, NASA’s commercial crew partners, Boeing, SpaceX and Sierra Nevada, expect to step up their Space Coast presence in the coming months.
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