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Today’s CSExtra offers the latest reporting and commentary on space related activities from across the globe. How to eat on Mars: nutrition, taste or innovate? Scale of expanding universe measured to an accuracy of 1 percent. Congressional watchdog agency issues James Webb Space Telescope concern. Awareness of super massive black holes expands. U.S. White House backs extension of International Space Station operations from 2020 to 2024; partner and commercial support for space station extension undecided. Extension could cement U.S. space leadership, say NASA and White House officials. Intense solar activity forces 24 hour delay in launching of Orbital Sciences cargo mission to the International Space Station; second launch attempt set for Thursday. High solar activity continues Thursday. Sierra Nevada Corp. enlists support from the European Space Agency for a commercial low Earth orbit transportation service for astronauts. In Kazakhstan, top officials urge Russia to continue operations of the Baikonur Cosmodrome.

Human Deep Space Exploration

Mock Mars mission: Eating on the Red Planet (1/9): At the Mars Desert Research Station in Utah, volunteers weigh the merits of shelf stabilized food against improvising with their diet under the simulated conditions of a Mars expedition. The simulation is a project of the Mars Society.

Unmanned Deep Space Exploration

GAO still worried about JWST (1/8): In its latest report on NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope, the U.S. General Accountability Office expressed concerns for the adequacy of near term cost reserves and the impact on meeting development and launch schedules. The designated successor to the Hubble Space Telescope is planned for launching in late 2018.

Scale of universe measured with 1-percent accuracy (1/8): Researchers refine the accuracy of the structure of the universe beyond 6 billion light years to within 1 percent. The findings, announced at the American Astronomical Society meeting in Washington D.C., have implications for the future characterization of dark energy as well as the shape and fate of the universe.

Massive Black Holes are everywhere! (1/8): Astronomers calculate surprising population of Super Massive Black Holes. The surge in numbers comes from their presence in dwarf galaxies as well as larger star systems.

Low Earth Orbit

White House endorses 4-year Space Station extension

Space News (1/8): The White House announces support on Wednesday for an extension of International Space Station operations from 2020 to 2024. The extension is the second for the six person station, which got the green light to extend from 2016 to 2020 earlier. Engineers believe the station is sound structurally at least through 2028.

NASA: International Space Station operation extended by Obama until at least 2024

The Washington Post (1/8): Proposed ISS extension means more time for scientific research aboard the six person orbital outpost and more time for U.S. commercial crew and cargo transportation services to become established.

White House extends Space Station operations until 2024

Aviation Week & Space Technology (1/8): Still to be determined is the role NASA’s international partners will play in the extended ISS operations, and whether Congress will support the change with adequate funding. William Gerstenmaier, NASA associate administrator for human exploration and operations, said in a brief press conference Jan. 8 that funds planned for de-orbiting the station after 2020 will be used instead to keep it running.

NASA extends the life of the International Space Station

New York Times (1/8): White House extension decision delays the inevitable — a crashing de-orbit of the massive space station in to the South Pacific.

Antares launch now slated for Jan. 9 following one-day delay

Space News (1/8): Radiation levels from high solar activity force Orbital Sciences Corp to postpone for at least a day plans to launch the company’s first commercially contracted re-supply mission to the International Space Station. A second attempt to lift off is set for Thursday at 1:07 p.m., EST, from the Mid-Atlantic Regional Spaceport on Virginia’s eastern shore.

Orbital Sciences launch to Space Station with NASA research reset for Thursday

NASA (1/8): Orbital Sciences Corp. to proceed with launch of commercial cargo mission to the International Space Station after one day delay.

Mission status center (1/9): Check in on the countdown and launch of Orbital Sciences’ Antares/Cygnus mission to the International Space Station. Launch is set for 1:07 p.m., EST.

What’s up in space (1/9): There’s a high probability of geomagnetic activity today, according to NOAA forecasters, including an impact from a coronal mass ejection.

Commercial to Low Earth Orbit

European Space Agency could contribute hardware to SNC’s Dream Chaser Spaceplane

Space News (1/8): The European Space Agency and Sierra Nevada Corp. reach agreement on cooperation in the development of Dream Chaser, one of three commercial spacecraft candidates to transport U.S astronauts to and from the International Space Station, perhaps by 2017.

Kazakh space agency chief: None in Kazakhstan wants Russia to quit Baikonur

Itar-Tass, of Russia, (1/9): Kazakh officials urge Russia to sustain use of the Baikonur Cosmodrome for rocket launches from Kazakhstan.

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