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Wednesday’s CSExtra offers the latest reporting and commentary on space related activities from across the globe. Chinese space capabilities grow, according to the U. S. Department of Defense. The U. S. commercial space industry joins with exploration advocates to overcome budget obstacles. NASA: an essential part of human deep space exploration, writes a commercial space pioneer. Solar storms pose a disaster threat. U. S. weather satellites capture imagery of Oklahoma tornadoes. NASA signs up for research on a Star Trek style food replicator. Apollo 11’s Buzz Aldrin address the Mars colonization strategy he outlines in his latest book. Mercury, Venus and Jupiter align in the night sky.
1. From The Galveston Daily News, of Texas: U. S. industry, aligned with NASA, is striving to overcome federal budget obstacles to keep America forging head in space exploration, writes Jeff Carr, senior vice president of aerospace communications at the Griffin Communications Group, in an op-ed..
2. From China’s space prowess continues to grow, according to the latest annual U.S. Department of Defense assessment delivered to Congress.
3. From The Orlando Sentinel: NASA is an essential part of opening Mars to human exploration, writes Charles D. Walker, the first U.S. space shuttle industrial payload specialist, in an op-ed. NASA’s brings an essential long term drive and ability to deal with risk to exploration, writes Walker, who joined three early NASA shuttle crews as a McDonnell Douglas engineer.,0,2294753.story
4. From Tornadoes? Hurricanes? Flooding? These are familiar weather events that can deliver disaster. But solar eruptions millions of miles from Earth could cause extreme power outages if they collide with the Earth in just the right way. Experts outline the threat at the Electric Infrastructure Security Summit this week.
5. From The Los Angeles Times: NASA and NOAA provide satellite imagery of the regions in Oklahoma devastated by tornadoes earlier this week.,0,6474300.story
6. From The Washington Post: NASA experiments with a food replicator, a space borne 3-D printer that could fold essential nutrients into food consumed by human explorers headed for Mars.
7. From The Smithsonian Magazine: Apollo 11’s Buzz Aldrin outlines his strategy for a Mars colony. Since Apollo, the U. S. has struggled to set a course forward, notes Aldrin. Efforts to colonize Mars can right the course, according to Aldrin.
8. From The Business Insider via The Houston Chronicle: The planets Jupiter, Venus and Mercury share a rare alignment in the night sky. Check the evening sky at dusk on May 26-27 for the best view.
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