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Wednesday’s CSExtra offers the latest reporting and commentary on space related activities from around the world. Astronomers find similarities between Europa’s ice covered ocean and the seas of Earth that could influence the search for extraterrestrial life. A football field-sized asteroid will pass within 600,000 miles of the Earth this weekend. In Washington, an influential member of the U. S. House directs NASA to turn away Chinese participation in a U. S. Earth observation conference. Ellen Ochoa leads NASA’s Johnson Space Center through the post-shuttle era with greater focus on International Space Station research and Orion spacecraft development.  In Russia, a state commission okays a March 28 one-day Soyuz mission to the International Space Station for Russian and U. S. astronauts. SpaceX displays operational competence with Dragon missions. On Earth, the Northern Lights put on a spectacular show.


1. From The Coalition for Space Exploration: New observations of Europa, Jupiter’s ice covered moon, suggest a sub surface ocean may be much like the seas of Earth. Europa is considered a high value target in the search for life beyond the Earth.

A.  From Ria Novosti, of Russia: Russia plots a Jupiter mission that includes a lander for the moon Ganymede. Russia will begin to fund the mission next year.

2. From A recently discovered asteroid the size of a football field, 2013 ET, will pass within 600,000 miles of the Earth this Saturday. An Italian observatory plans a web cast.

A. From A U. S. House Science, Space and Technology Committee meeting scheduled for Wednesday on the threat to Earth from asteroid and comet impacts is postponed because of a Washington snow storm. The session was scheduled following the Feb. 15 explosion of a small asteroid over Russia.

3. From Science Insider: The chair of the House Appropriations subcommittee responsible for NASA’s budget instructs the agency to turn Chinese representatives away from an international meeting on Earth observation findings next week at the agency’s Langley Research Center in Virginia.

4. From Space News: Ellen Ochoa, director of NASA’s Johnson Space Center, leads the Houston field center through the space agency’s post shuttle era. The safe operation of the International Space Station and a stronger focus on science take top priority followed by development of the Orion crew vehicle. In the meantime, Johnson deals with funding and contractor job losses.

5. From In Russia, a state commission approves a March 28 Soyuz mission that will deliver three U.S. and Russian astronauts to the International Space Station on the same day they launch. The speed flight will be a first for the space station.

6. From NBC News: SpaceX displays its mettle and competence by overcoming operational issues with each of its first three trips to the International Space Station.

7. From NBC News and CosmicLog: In the northern latitudes it’s all about the Northern Lights.

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