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Wednesday’s CSExtra offers the latest reporting and commentary on space related activities from across the globe. China’s two man, one woman Shenzhou-10 crew lands safely in northern China after a record 15-day mission.  President Obama vows action on global warming in major Washington address. After re-examining observations of Gliese 667C, a small low temperature star, astronomers identify three to five super Earths orbiting in or on the border of the habitable zone. NASA reaches a milestone with the discovery of the 10,000th Near-Earth Object. Russian rockets launch satellites from two continents. Mars and the case for In Situ Resource Utilization. France’s COROT exo-planet hunting missions draws to a close. In New York City, the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum pavilion housing NASA’s test shuttle orbiter Endeavour is set to re-open on July 10.


1.  From The New York Times: China’s Shenzhou-10 crew descends safely to Earth, landing in Northeast China, following the nation’s fifth human spaceflight since 2003.

A. From Shenzhou-10 mission was China’s longest human spaceflight to date, about 15 days.

B. From  Astronauts Nie Haisheng, Zhang Xiaoguang and Wang Yaping spent 13 mission days living aboard the Tiangong-1 space station.

C. From Xinhuanet, of China: Photos of China’s Shenzhou-10 crew at landing.

2. From The Washington Post: President Obama vows to address global warming, with or without Congress, during a major address on the topic before Georgetown University students and environmental activists on Tuesday. “I refuse to condemn your generation and future generations to a planet that’s beyond fixing,” the U. S. President told the gathering. “We don’t have time for a meeting of the Flat Earth Society.”

3. From The Los Angeles Times: Twenty two light years from Earth, Gliese 667C hosts three super-Earth planets, maybe more, orbiting within the low mass star’s habitable zone.  The findings by an international team of astronauts suggests that other plentiful low mass stars offer a promising place to look for alien planets with conditions that could be right for life.,0,2476326.story

4. From NASA finds its 10,000th Near-Earth Object.  2013 MZ5 is 1,000 feet wide. Though a milestone, NASA is on the hunt for 100,000 asteroids and comets that may pose a collision threat to the Earth. The search became more intense in 1998.

5. From Two Russian Soyuz rockets, launched from different continents, successfully place a handful of Earth observing and communications satellites into orbit on Tuesday.

A. From Russia launches a Soyuz rocket with a civilian Earth imaging satellites. The Resurs P1 spacecraft was launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan.

B. From Space News: Europe’s version of the venerable Soyuz booster sends the first four of the O3b Networks’ Ka-band broadband satellites into an equatorial orbit from Kourou, French Guiana.  The network, which will provide broad band services including Internet, could eventually total 120 of the satellites.

6. From The moon’s resources are crucial to the human exploration of Mars, writes Paul Spudis, planetary geologist with the Lunar and Planetary Institute, of Houston, in an op-ed. Learning to extract lunar resources for fuel, life support and shelter will provide the technologies essential to the Martian journey. The U. S. can no longer afford the Apollo approach of lifting off with all the supplies aboard, writes Spudis.

A. From Space.Com: Can we hurry? In another op-ed, Ron Atkins looks to rapid propulsion as a key technology to the success of human exploration beyond the Earth.

7. From Sky & Telescope Magazine: COROT, the French exo-planet seeking mission, has come to an end. The observatory stopped transmitting data in November, and experts recently declared their efforts to find a remedy unsuccessful. Launched in late 2006, COROT claims the discovery of the first rocky exo-planet. COROT-7b is twice the size of the Earth.

8. From The Wall Street Journal: The pavilion housing the NASA shuttle test orbiter Enterprise aboard the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum in New York City will re-open to the public on July 10. The enclosure was damaged during Superstorm Sandy. A Russian Soyuz descent module will be displayed along side.

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