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Wednesday’s CSExtra offers the latest reporting and commentary on space related activities from across the globe. U.S. Senate panel narrowly approves re-authorization measure for NASA along party lines; legislation is neutral on proposed Asteroid Redirect (Retrieval) Mission. NASA ponders a wake up call for the Wide-field Survey Explorer mission to search for asteroid threats. New measurements back Albert Einstein’s cosmic speed limit. NASA needs more of a valuable resource, women, according to Deputy Administrator Lori Garver. Aboard the International Space Station, U. S. astronaut explains how water flooded the helmet of his colleague, Italian astronaut Luca Parmitano, during a July 16 spacewalk. ISON: Comet of the Century? Star Trek shuttle Galileo heads for public display in Houston. Standby for the Perseids. Denver woman proposes to re-trace 1937 flight of Amelia Earhart.
1. From Florida Today: In Washington, the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee adopts a three year NASA re-authorization measure that okays $18.1 billion in agency spending for 2014, which would part ways with sequestration. The White House is seeking $17.7 billion in its budget proposal. The measure, which goes to the full Senate, passed along party lines with a one vote margin. The House version authorizes $16.8 billion.
A. From Spacepolicyonline: Senate NASA authorization measure silent on the agency’s proposed Asteroid Redirect (Retrieval) Mission. House authorization version prohibits the asteroid initiative.
2. From Space News: With urgency growing over the search for Near-Earth Objects that could pose a collision threat to the Earth, NASA ponders an extended mission for the Wide-field Survey Explorer (WISE) mission spacecraft. The infrared observatory would resume its duties as Neo WISE, searching for collision threats, small and large.
3. From New experiment backs Albert Einstein’s cosmic speed limit.
4. From Women, a resource NASA needs, NASA’s Deputy Administrator Lori Garver informs a July 23 Google+ Hangout. Key to recruitment is demonstrating the values of STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Math) careers, according to Garver. The agency hires 1,000 people annually.
5. From The Los Angeles Times: On Tuesday, International Space Station astronaut Chris Cassidy presented a video explanation of the water leak that flooded colleague Luca Parmitano’s space suit helmet on July 16. Meanwhile, NASA’s experts focus of the Portable Life Support System backpack as a likely source of the worrisome water leak.
6. From Some astronomers question ISON’s billing as “comet of the century.” Test will come late this year.
7. From USA Today: A key piece of memorabilia from the original Star Trek TV series, the shuttle Galileo, finds a public venue/home at Space Center Houston, next door to NASA’s Johnson Space Center.
8. From The Los Angeles Times: Standby for the Perseid meteor shower, one of the year’s best. This annual sky show should peak Aug. 12-13.
9. From USA Today: Distant relative of Amelia Earhart, Denver TV and weather co-anchor Amelia Rose Earhart, plans to re-trace the 1937 around the world flight on which Earhart mysteriously disappeared. Patrick Carter, a Fayetteville, Ark., businessman and adventurer, will co-pilot, on the mid-2014 venture.
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