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Wednesday’s CSExtra offers the latest reporting and commentary on space related activities from around the world. Concerns over a March 1 budget sequestration in the U. S. re-emerge. Keeping an eye on 2012 DA 14, the respectable asteroid that will buzz the Earth on Feb. 15. Asteroids as a destination for human explorers — maybe more challenging  than it sounds. Europe’s Planck space observatory may hold subtle but significant secrets to the earliest moments of the universe. Sizing up Colorado’s enviable space economy. Apollo 17 commander Gene Cernan phones the International Space Station. Star Trek’s Capt Kirk, also known as Canadian actor William Shatner, opens a hailing channel of his own to the International Space Station’s crew.


1. From The White House looks to Feb. 13 for the release of the Obama administration’s proposed 2014 budget–more than a week late. However, sequestration, which President Obama and Congress narrowly avoided on Jan. 1, now looms on March 1. Some political forces now believe sequestration and its automatic spending cuts throughout the federal government, including an 8 percent reduction in NASA spending, is inevitable.

2. From Time Magazine: A fresh look at the asteroid impact threat to Earth, prompted by the Feb. 15 buzz by the asteroid 2012 DA 14. Many space rocks pass close, but 2012 DA 14’s close pass will be could be a wakeup call.

A. From The Los Angeles Times: Scientists estimate 2012 DA 14 will pass within 17,200 miles of the Earth.

3. From Reaching a near-Earth asteroid with humans could hold more challenge than an expedition to Mars.

4. From The European Space Agency’s Planck space telescope is positioned to reveal more about the forces that influenced the universe at its earliest moments.

5. From The Denver Post: Colorado’s space industry faces challenges to future prosperity, according to a Brookings Institution study that concludes more emphasis on commercial space is warranted.

6. From The commander of the final Apollo mission to the moon, Gene Cernan, spoke Tuesday with the crew of the International Space Station from NASA’s Mission Control. Apollo 17’s Cernan, who was the last man to leave footprints on the moon, told Kevin Ford he was impressed with the roominess of the station. He urged the younger astronauts to do all they could to inspire younger generations.

7. From Star Trek’s Capt. Kirk, the actor William Shatner, finds fellow Canadian Chris Hadfield, on the bridge of the International Space Station. The exchanges are awakening a new generation of Canadians to space exploration.

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