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Wednesday’s CSExtra offers the latest reporting and commentary on space related activities from across the globe. Entrepreneurs turn to NASA with new ideas. Next U. S. Mars mission to address fundamentals of habitability; who goes to the red planet on a one way journey? Austere budgets could mean U. S. and its partners face a choice: an International Space Station extension or missions to deep space. Russia uncovers space embezzlement; work on new cosmodrome falls two months behind. Chile at forefront of dark energy campaign. NASA transforms Mission Control for Orion. Comet Halley as a future human destination.  Houston tests the spaceport waters. STEM, short for science, technology, education and math, struggles for style points. NASA captures fireball over Southeast U. S. on video.


1. From USAToday: NASA opening arms to entrepreneurs in post space shuttle era, with the Johnson Space Center a forefront. One concept, DreamSaver, would turn to rugged shuttle materials to construct personal storage containers for keepsakes that could weather the worst of natural disasters.

2. From The Space Review: In “Flying above the Martian radar,” TSR editor Jeff Foust previews the next U.S. Mars mission, NASA’s MAVEN orbiter, which is scheduled for a late November lift off. MAVEN may lack the sizzle of the $2.5 billion Curiosity rover, but the modest orbiter will attempt to explain how a once substantial Martian atmosphere leaked into space and whether the loss coincided with the loss of a magnetic field — fundamental issues in the question of Martian habitability.

A. From Mars One, the Dutch nonprofit, called on volunteers earlier this year for a one way trip to the red planet, with the first settlers launching in 2023. Who wants to go? It’s the dreamers with ambition.

B. From Comet ISON, speeding toward an encounter with the sun in late 2013, is on course to zip close to Mars on Oct. 1.

3.  From Space News: NASA and its policy making apparatus may be faced with a choice in the current budget constrained environment: extend International Space Station operations beyond 2020 or curtail them to pursue future human deep space exploration. The view comes from George Washington University space policy experts.

4.  From Ria Novosti, of Russia: In Russia, investigators uncover a $3 billion embezzlement scheme involving the country’s GLONASS global satellite navigation network.

A. From Ria Novosti, or Russia: Work on the country’s new Vostochny Cosmodrome falls two months behind. However, plans for the new installation’s inaugural launch remain on track for 2015. Vostochny is to free Russia from its ties to the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan.–Official.html

5. From Nature News: In Chile, a dark energy survey gets underway. Over the next five years, a telescope dark energy survey will map 300 million galaxies over one-eighth of the night sky in a bid to explain the mysterious repulsive force.

6. From NASA transforms its space shuttle Mission Control room for a new role: future Orion deep space missions.

7. From  Future space explorers might consider Comet Halley a worthy target. Last visible from Earth in 1986, this famous comet should be back in 2061.

8. From The Galveston Daily News, of Texas: Houston’s airport authority ramps up for a commercial spaceport license for Ellington Field. Planners favor a horizontal launch facility for space tourism, satellite launches and manufacturing.

9. From The New York Times: STEM, the acronym for Science Technology Engineering and Math is not so journalism friendly, it turns out.

10. From The Los Angeles Times: NASA camera captures 100 pound meteor as it produces a fireball over the southeastern United States last week.,0,7416674.story

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