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Tuesday’s CSExtra offers the latest reporting and commentary on space related activities from across the globe. U. S. General Accountability Office reports hefty investments coming in defense and civil space launch activities. Florida newspaper calls for space program financial rescue. Changing or cancelling major government programs a challenge, according to former Deputy Administrator Lori Garver, who endorsed new commercial space initiatives. Contact lost with aging NASA comet hunter. Space shuttle artifacts placed in time capsule at the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex in Florida. Photos along U. S. East Coast follow launch of Minotaur V rocket late Friday with NASA’s Lunar Atmosphere & Dust Environment Explorer. California meteorite harbors surprising organics. Cell biology studies in microgravity produce new insights in cancer research. New Russian capsule to include space toilet. New Mexico’s Spaceport America witnesses rise in commercial space activity. NASA Global Hawk UAVs study Atlantic hurricane development. Upcoming: Three International Space Station crew members, NASA astronaut Chris Cassidy and Russians Pavel Vinogradov and Alexander Misurkin are scheduled to descend to Earth aboard a Soyuz spacecraft at 10:58 p.m., EDT, ending a 5 1/2 month mission.
1. From The U. S. Department of Defense and NASA are in line to spend $44 billion on space launch activities over the next five years, according to the U. S. General Accountability Office. NASA’s Space Launch System heavy lift rocket will be among the recipients. The SLS along with NASA’s new Orion capsule will start U. S. explorers on new deep space missions.
A. From NASA and Aerojet Rocketdyne join forces to conduct 330 second test firing of the J-2X, a candidate propulsion source for NASA’s Space Launch System. The test at NASA’s Stennis Space Center appeared successful.
2. From The Orlando Sentinel: “Washington must rescue sinking space program,” according to Sentinel op-ed.,0,1960317.story
3. From Space News: Cancelling or redirecting major government programs is nearly impossible, former NASA Deputy Administrator Lori Garver tells the industry publication in an interview prior to leaving the agency last week. Garver is credited with putting momentum behind the agency’s commercial initiatives.
4. From and Nature: Contact lost with NASA’s comet hunting Deep Impact/Epoxi mission. Deep Impact was famous for deliberately striking the comet Tempel I. Comet ISON was the focus of a recent observation. However, communications ceased sometime in early August. Efforts to restore contact are under way. Mission was launched in 2005.
5. From Florida Today: Time capsule with NASA space shuttle program artifacts joins orbiter Atlantis display at the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex on Monday. Capsule could be opened in 2061, a half century after the final shuttle mission. “Just imagine where we’re going to be 50 years from now?” Bob Cabana, the Kennedy Space Center director, said at a time capsule ceremony.
6. From Stunning photos of Friday night’s Lunar Atmosphere & Dust Environment Explorer NASA mission launch from the U. S. East Coast.
A. From University College London presents a collection of historical space photos.
7. From Meteorite recovered from California in 2012 includes organic chemistry — building blocks for life not seen previously. The Sutter’s Mill meteorite fell in April of last year.
A. From Science News: Meteorite contents likely originated with birth of the solar system. Similar impact may have delivered the basic ingredients for biological activity to Earth.
8. From The Space Reporter: Cell biology studies in microgravity offer promising leads in fight to overcome cancer. Experiments on the space shuttle, Russian vehicles and the International Space Station have shown changes in immune cells, including changes in cell-signaling cytokines, indicating the immune system is suppressed in microgravity, according to Dr. Jeannie Becker, a Houston researcher who studies the phenomenon.
9. From Ria Novosti: New Russian space capsule for missions to the International Space Station and the moon includes space toilet.
10. From The Space Review: TSR editor Jeff Foust visits Spaceport America, in New Mexico, for a look. Formally opened two years ago, the futuristic spaceport patiently awaits the opportunity to serve Virgin Galactic’s space tourists. Meanwhile, New Space companies are starting to merge at Spaceport America to carry out suborbital research activities.
11. From NASA operated Global Hawk Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, based at the Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia, monitor hurricane development in the Atlantic off the African coast. The instrumented UAV missions can exceed 24 hours.
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