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Tuesday’s CSExtra offers the latest in space related reporting and commentary from across the globe. NASA looks into astronaut hibernation. U. S. Air Force ponders difficult decision over future of a radar surveillance system that checks orbital space for dangerous debris. America’s mightiest rocket looks to a change in launch procedures; Japan scrubs attempt to launch new rocket. Former NASA Astronaut Gregory H. Johnson to lead nonprofit Center for the Advancement of Science in Space. Astronomers celebrate 10th anniversary of NASA’s Spitzer space telescope. International Space Station astronauts monitor Yosemite National Park fire.
1. From In the U. S., NASA scientists ponder techniques that would permit Mars bound astronauts to hibernate en route, possibly lowering costs, improving safety.
2. From The Space Review: In “Gambling with a space fence,” Brian Weeden probes an August announcement from the U. S. Air Force that parts of the nation’s orbital surveillance network will likely be closed by Oct. 1 in response to budget restrictions. Weeden surmises the announcement is part of a strategy to pay for a major upgrade that has faced development setbacks. Weeden, an Air Force surveillance veteran, is an adviser to the Secure World Foundation.
3. From United Launch Alliance looks at new procedures for the launch of the Delta 4, the nation’s most powerful commercial rocket. A National Reconnaissance Office payload is aboard the Delta 4 set to lift off from Vandenberg Air Force Base, Calif., early Wednesday.
A. From Japan scrubs efforts to launch the country’s new Epsilon rocket. The launch of the three stage Epsilon with the SPRINT-A planetary observatory was scheduled for early Tuesday.
4. From Florida Today: NASA astronaut Gregory H. Johnson departs the space agency to become executive director of the Center for the Advancement of Science in Space, a Florida nonprofit that fosters scientific research in the U. S. National Laboratory segments of the International Space Station. Johnson assumes the role Sept. 1.
5. From The Christian Science Monitor: More on the 10th anniversary of NASA’s Spitzer space telescope, an infrared sibling of the Hubble Space Telescope, Spitzer’s observations have revealed strong carbon molecular structures and a hidden ring of Saturn. These are among discoveries that would have escaped the notice of telescopes equipped with optics for observations in the visible part of the light spectrum.
A. From Photos from Spitzer.
6. From and The Cosmic Log: International Space Station astronauts check Rim Fire in and around Yosemite National Park. Viewed from space, the blaze appears “devastating,” reports NASA astronaut Karen Nyberg.
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