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Today’s CSExtra offers the latest reporting and commentary on space related activities from across the globe. NASA’s Space Launch System heavy lift rocket and Orion crew exploration vehicle laying foundation for bright space future. NASA Administrator Charles Bolden visits Orion hangar, where preps are under way for late 2014 test flight. Four sessions on U.S. space policy present a “scattershot” of perspectives. Exploration advances human health care. New U.S. Mars mission, MAVEN, set for lift off Monday at 1:28 p.m., EST. Young United Launch Alliance Engineer gains experience quickly. Search for Earth-like planet showing new promise. Renegade scientists proposes “fax machine” to transmit life from Mars to Earth. Astronomers urge extension for hobbled Kepler mission. Time to address asteroid threat. Busy NASA astronaut couple embrace challenges of child raising. A look ahead at major space policy events scheduled for the week ahead.
Human Deep Space Exploration
Guest column: A bright future in space. Space Coast again at center of human space exploration
Florida Today (11/15): Florida’s future in space grows brighter with NASA’s development of the Space Launch System heavy lift rocket and Orion crew exploration vehicle, write Lynda Weatherman, who leads the Economic Development Commission of Florida’s Space Coast and Frank DiBello, president of Space Florida, the state of Florida’s spaceport authority and aerospace development organization
Bolden: I would love to be an Orion astronaut! (11/17): NASA Administrator Charles Bolden and other top officials from the space agency visit the Orion crew exploration vehicle as it undergoes preparations for an unpiloted September 2014 test flight. Bolden visits NASA’s Kennedy Space Center for the launch of the MAVEN Mars mission spacecraft.
Lots of meetings but no unified message on future space (11/17): The Washington website breaks down four meetings last week focused on U.S. space policy and exploration, with participation from the private and public/private as well as the government sectors. The sessions offered a “scattershot” of perspectives from new and established players arguing in favor of space exploration from various viewpoints.
Capt. Kirk says space exploration leads to medical advances Actor William Shatner, who portrayed Capt. Kirk in the Star Trek television series, pays tribute to the breakthroughs in medicine and health care that spin out of space exploration.
Unmanned Deep Space Exploration
NASA’s MAVEN Mars orbiter on pad for Monday launch: Craft set to study atmosphere
Florida Today (11/16): United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket with NASA’s MAVEN Mars probe rolls out to launch pad. Forecast includes a 60 percent chance of favorable weather for a lift off Monday at 1:28 p.m., EST, the opening of a two hour launch period.
Mars atmospheric research mission set for launch: Mission Status Center (11/18): Latest updates on the MAVEN mission countdown. Weather, which is expected to trend worse for launch opportunities on Tuesday and Wednesday, could be a factor.
Probe may help solve riddle of Mars missing air
New York Times (11/15): The Martian terrains preserves lasting evidence the climate there was once warmer and wet. What happened? NASA’s latest Mars mission, MAVEN, will attempt to explain.
Los Angeles Times (11/15): What happened? That’s the question NASA seeks to answer.
Young ULA engineer gets the hang of demands, jargon of space flight
Florida Today (11/17): At 24, Stephen Hirst is becoming an old hand when it comes to rocket launches. MAVEN will be his first interplanetary launch.
NASA centers host public viewing events for Nov. 18 Mars mission launch
NASA (11/15): NASA opens installations in five states to the public for observing the launch of the Mars-bound Mars mission on Monday.
Thrift pays for extra science by NASA’s MAVEN mission (11/17): Savings in the development of the MAVEN spacecraft used to fund more mission science.
Developing a fax machine to copy life on Mars
New York Times (11/17): Maverick scientist J. Craig Venter envisions a biological teleporter, a fax machine like device that once on Mars could transmit life to Earth for study.
Christian Science Monitor (11/16): It is an astounding haul considering that the search for extrasolar planets, or exo-planets, is, by many measures, only 25 years old, the publication reports.
Ames to pitch NASA on value of ‘new’ Kepler mission (11/15): In May, NASA’s Kepler mission to search for alien planets circling their stars in the habitable zone was hobbled by the loss of its pointing system. The agency’s Ames Research Center is ready with an alternative. But it may be too expensive.
Will an asteroid destroy you before you finish this?
Bloomberg News (11/17): Lessons learned from the Feb. 15 asteroid impact over Chelyabinsk, Russia provide lessons learned for detection, warnings and deflection, according to an editorial.
Low Earth Orbit
Houston Chronicle (11/18): Married NASA astronauts Karen Nyberg and Doug Hurley share the challenge of raising a young child, Jack, 3, while pursuing demanding careers. Nyberg returned to Earth after six months aboard the International Space Station on Nov 10. Hurley piloted the final shuttle mission in 2011.
Commercial to Low Earth Orbit
House hearing Wednesday on commercial space (11/17): The Space Subcommittee will host hearing with Satellite Industry Association and others.
Space policy events for the week of November 18-22, 2013 (11/17): A look at major space policy activities scheduled for the week ahead. They start with Monday’s planned MAVEN launching.
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