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Friday’s CSExtra offers the latest reporting and commentary on space related activities from across the globe. NASA’s Space Launch System reaches promising transition point in challenging development. Mercury astronaut Scott Carpenter, the second American to orbit the Earth, died Thursday. Pioneering space tourist Dennis Tito warns U.S. may be missing opportunity to lead human exploration of Mars. NASA’s Jupiter bound Juno mission leaves Earth flyby in temporary safe mode. Shuttle orbiter Endeavour a huge hit in Los Angeles. Russia’s prime minister appoints new national space leadership. Water found for first time in rocky body orbiting a sun like star.
1. From NASA’s Space Launch System heavy lift rocket nears a key transition, moving from preliminary design review in August to key decision point-C. “Moving from formulation to implementation is a huge milestone,” said James Whalen, a systems engineering consultant who teaches systems engineering classes at NASA field centers. Coupled with NASA’s new Orion crew exploration vehicle, SLS will start U.S. astronauts on missions of deep space exploration.
2. From the New York Times: Scott Carpenter, the NASA Mercury astronaut who in 1962 became the second American to orbit the Earth has died. In the early minutes after his three orbit flight there were concerns the U.S. Naval aviator had perished.
A. From the Space Foundation: Carpenter, 88, remembered. “Scott Carpenter’s star always burned bright, and the space community’s sky is dimmer for his loss,” said Elliot Pulham, chief executive officer of the Space Foundation. “Scott would be the first to say that it is long past time to create some new heroes, and the best way to honor his legacy is to press on with the exploration of space – to the Moon, Mars and beyond.”
B. From the Associated Press via USA Today: Even before Carpenter ventured into space, he made history. On Feb. 20, 1962, he gave the historic send-off to his predecessor in orbit: “Godspeed, John Glenn.” It was a spur of the moment phrase, Carpenter later said. Carpenter repeated the phrase when Glenn, then a U.S. Senator, joined a NASA space shuttle crew for a 1998 mission.
C. From Mercury astronaut Scott Carpenter, a man who inspired.
D. From Carpenter, 88, was had suffered a stroke recently.
E. From NBC NASA Administrator Charles Bolden pays tribute to Scott Carpenter. “As one of the original Mercury 7 astronauts, he was in the first vanguard of our space program, the pioneers who set the tone for our nation’s pioneering efforts beyond Earth and accomplished so much for our nation,” said Bolden, a former astronaut.
3. From the Huntsville Times: Inspiration Mars Foundation founder Dennis Tito points to 2018 as last opportunity for the U.S. to lead humanity to Mars. Tito became first U.S. orbital space tourist in 2001. Tito’s foundation seeks to send a married couple on a mission around Mars in 2018.
4. From the Associated Press: NASA’s Jupiter bound Juno mission mysteriously faults to safe mode after Earth fly by on Wednesday. Trouble shooting expected to require several days. Launched two years ago, Juno is on course to maneuver into orbit around Jupiter in mid-2016.
A. From the Los Angeles Times: Science Guy Bill Nye explains NASA’s Jupiter bound Juno mission and the looping trajectory that brought the spacecraft close to Earth this week, two years after liftoff.
5. From the Los Angeles Times: Shuttle orbiter Endeavour draws nearly three million visitors in its first year on display at the California Science Center. “One thing that everyone in our field knows is that you get a boost when something new opens, and then attendance will begin to decline,” California Science Center President Jeffrey Rudolph said. “What’s happened is that the interest and the level of interest stayed higher and longer than what we anticipated.”,0,4457728.story
6. From Space News: Russia gets new space leadership, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev names Oleg Ostapenko, a former commander of the Russian Space Forces, as the new director-general of the Russian Federal Space Agency, Roscosmos. He replaces Vladimir Popovkin
A. From Ria Novosti: Streamlining a key part of Russian space reforms, according to Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev on Thursday.
B. From Russia’s change in space leadership focused on solving quality control issues.
C. From Recent Russian rocket failures, plans for increased budgets likely factors in Russian space leadership changes.
7. From Signatures of water found for the first time in a rocky body that once circled a sun like star.
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