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Thursday’s CSExtra offers the latest news and commentary on space related activities from across the globe. NASA’s Kepler space telescope, the centerpiece of an extended search for Earth-like planets around other stars, encounters a major technical problem. United Launch Alliance places another U. S. global positioning satellite in orbit. Apollo 13 commander James Lovell signs with Golden Spike, the U. S. commercial human lunar exploration company. U. S. astronaut Gordon Cooper flew NASA’s final Mercury mission a half century ago. Star Trek Into Darkness premiers on the International Space Station.
1. From the New York Times: The second of four reaction control wheels aboard NASA’s planet hunting Kepler space telescope mission malfunctioned. Launched in March 2009, Kepler is credited at this point with spotting 2,700 planet candidates orbiting other stars. The count suggests most stars in the Milky Way host at least one alien world.
A. From The Los Angeles Times: While NASA plans to develop a recovery strategy, astronomers are jolted by news of Kepler’s breakdown. “I really think this telescope was a gift to our civilization,” noted one leading astrophysicist involved in the search for exo-planets.,0,2624898.story
B. From NASA’s Kepler team vows to develop and attempt a recovery strategy in the coming weeks. The observatory lost one of four reaction wheels used to aim and steady the telescope in July 2012. On Tuesday, mission controllers learned the telescope was in “safe mode” and had lost the use of a second reaction wheel. Three of the devices are needed to continue the distant planet search.
C. From Forty millions miles from the Earth, Kepler is too far for repairs by astronauts.
D. From The Washington Post: Kepler’s planet hunting days may be over.
E. From USA Today: At least temporarily unable to point the Kepler space telescope, NASA begins a recovery strategy and looks to a possible secondary mission.
F. From Kepler’ s alien planet count reaches 2,700 candidates.
G. From CBS News: NASA’s Kepler planet hunter sidelined — at least for now.
H. From MSNBC and Cosmic Log: NASA’s Kepler space telescope planet hunter encounters a serious difficulty.
2. From A United Launch Alliance Atlas 5 rocket places a U. S. Air Force Global Positioning satellite into orbit from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Fla.
3. From Apollo astronaut Jim Lovell, commander of the ill fated Apollo 13 mission, signs on with Golden Spike, the commercial space start up that plans to launch humans to the moon.
4. From Wednesday and Thursday mark the 50th anniversary of the Mercury program’s final mission. NASA astronaut Gordon Cooper circled the Earth 22 times in 34 hours aboard Faith 7, signaling the U. S. was on a course to catch the former Soviet Union in space.
5. From NASA beams an advance showing of Star Trek Into Darkness to the crew of the International Space Station.
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