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Thursday’s CSExtra offers the latest reporting and commentary on space related activities from across the globe. NASA’s official in charge of the agency’s Commercial Crew Program cautions against cutting competition for operational system too soon. NASA Administrator Charles Bolden tells advisory group former space shuttle launch Pad 39A will be assigned to commercial user soon. NASA through the years: a look back at the accomplishments since legislation establishing the space agency was signed into law 55 years ago. NASA’s giant Space Launch System deals with structural stresses. Tidal forces behind geysers on Saturn’s moon Enceladus. Planetary scientist Ellen Stofan becomes NASA’s new chief scientist. Star Trek fans enthusiastic over Houston docking of Galileo shuttle.
1. From Space News: Tight budgeting is likely to force NASA to pare back from three to two the number of U. S. companies competing under the NASA umbrella for a commercial capability to launch U. S. astronauts to orbital destinations, including the International Space Station.
A. From Florida Today: Phil McAlister, director of commercial spaceflight for NASA, cautions an agency advisory panel that competition is key to the success of NASA’s commercial crew program. Don’t cut the number of participants too soon, he advises.
2. From Florida Today: NASA’s Kennedy Space Center is moving move ahead with plans to lease former shuttle launch pad 39A to a commercial user, NASA Administrator Charles Bolden informs a Washington advisory panel.
3. From The Christian Science Monitor: NASA through the years. The space agency’s creation was established with legislation signed into law 55 years ago this week by then president Dwight Eisenhower.
4. From Aviation Week & Space Technology: NASA’s Space Launch System heavy lift rocket faces stress obstacles as development activities move forward. NASA plans to merge the SLS with the Orion/Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle to start U. S. explorers on their way to deep space destinations.
5. From Science News. Tidal forces drive geysers on Enceladus, a moon of Saturn. Cassini, the NASA spacecraft orbiting the planet, makes the discovery.
6. From NASA Administrator Charles Bolden names a new chief scientist for the space agency, Ellen Stofan is a planetary geologist.
7. From The Associated Press via the Houston Chronicle: Trekkies gather at Space Center Houston, near NASA’s Johnson Space Center, to welcome a new display, Galileo, the shuttle featured in early episodes of the Star Trek television series.
A. From Star Trek’s teleporter is no way to move through space. A new analysis of the physics behind teleportation reveals the process would take “forever”.
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