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Monday’s CSExtra offers the latest reporting and commentary on space related activities from across the globe, including activities from the weekend. The Technologies vs. Destinations first debate. Now ramping up, research aboard the International Space Station could be jeopardized by spending cuts required by sequestration. Partisan policy making takes aim at NASA’s proposed Asteroid Retrieval Mission. Saturday marked the 44th anniversary of Apollo 11 mission lunar landing; recovered Saturn V hardware linked to Apollo 11 mission. NASA kicks off bid to recover the exo-planet seeking Kepler space telescope. UN panel outlines strategy for transparency, cooperation among global space powers. U.S. and Europe struggle to keep the James Webb Space Telescope on course for a late 2018 lift off. U. S., China launches boost four satellites. A look at space related activities scheduled for the week ahead.



1. From Space News, July 19: Should existing and soon to come technologies shape the destinations for U. S. human exploration, or should policy makers point to destinations that drive new technologies? NASA Deputy Administrator Lori Garver and Robert Walker, a former House Science and Technology Committee chairman, debate the point.

2. From Space News, July 19: A ramp up of scientific research aboard the International Space Station faces a potential setback if NASA is unable to escape the consequences of sequestration. Mike Suffredini, NASA’s ISS program manager, outlines his concerns before the International Space Station Research and Development Conference in Denver last week.

3. From The Washington Post, July 20: The Asteroid Retrieval Mission, initiated by NASA under the White House budget proposal for 2014, falls prey to a partisan spending struggle in the U. S. House and Senate.

A. From, July 19: The full House Science, Space and Technology committee approves a new NASA authorization measure along party lines. The measure emerges without a proposed six-year term limit for the agency’s administrator. Also rejected was a Center Closure and Realignment Commission, which would have examined whether some NASA installations should be closed.

4. From The San Jose Mercury News, of California, July 20: Saturday marked the 44th anniversary of the U. S. Apollo 11 mission landing on the moon by Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin. Two Bay Area engineers remember the drama and struggle with a modern indifference to space exploration.

A. From, July 19: In 2012, founder Jeff Bezos sponsored efforts to recover Apollo mission hardware from the Atlantic. The recovered hardware was recently positively linked to the Apollo 11 mission launch.

B. From, July 19: Experts at the Kansas Cosmosphere and Space Center find a serial number cinching the ties of the recovered Apollo hardware to the Saturn V, F-1 number 5 first stage engine assigned to Apollo 11.

C.  From National Public Radio, July 20: A proposed national park on the moon to commemorate the U. S. Apollo mission landings finds an obstacle in international treaties.

5. From The Los Angeles Times (with material from others), July 19: Late last week, NASA began efforts to recover two crippled reaction wheels on the exo-planet hunting Kepler space telescope. Tests on the second crippled reaction wheel are scheduled to resume on Monday. Three of the four reaction wheels must function to resume aiming Kepler for its planet hunting mission.,0,5200388.story

6. From, July 20:  A United Nations panel reaches agreement on new Transparency and Confidence Building Measures (TCBMs) for space activities. The effort backs more transparency and cooperation among nations in space activities.

7. From Aviation Week & Space Technology, July 22: NASA and the European Space Agency contend with technical and cost issues as they move the $8.8 billion James Webb Space Telescope toward a late 2018 launch date. Major pre-launch tests, schedule reviews await.

8. From, July 19: A United Launch Alliance Atlas 5 successfully boosts a U. S. Navy communications satellite from Cape Canaveral, Fla., early Friday.

A. From, of China, July 20: China launches three space science and technology satellites.

9. From A look at space related activities scheduled for the coming week.

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