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Friday’s CSExtra offers the latest reporting and commentary on space related activities from across the globe. In Florida, NASA’s first space-bound Orion capsule passes a key ground test. NASA envisions research scientists accompanying their experiments into suborbital space. Astronomers turn to NASA’s long concluded Galileo mission for information about Europa, the ice-covered moon of Jupiter and a possible haven for biological activity. NASA’s latest lunar probe reaches its Virginia launch site. The comet Lovejoy, which grazed the sun in 2011, offers lessons on the sun’s magnetic field. Entertainer Justin Bieber joins those expecting to fly aboard Virgin Galactic’s SpaceShipTwo. NASA teams with LEGO to encourage youthful aerospace talent.


1. From Florida Today: NASA’s first space-bound Orion crew exploration capsule passes a key ground test at the Kennedy Space Center. The capsule underwent strain and pressure tests ahead of an unpiloted test flight scheduled for September 2014. Orion is an essential part of plans to launch U.S. astronauts on future deep space missions.


2. From Space News: NASA is prepared to launch human researchers, as well as their experiments, on suborbital missions as part of the agency’s Flight Opportunities Program, according to NASA Deputy Administrator Lori Garver.


3. From The lure of Europa, the ice-covered moon of Jupiter, is drawing scientists back to data gathered by NASA’s Galileo mission, which was launched in 1989. Archived data from the mission that ended in 2003 may hold clues of where to look for life in the ocean that lies below the ice.


4. From the Coalition for Space Exploration: NASA’s Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Experiment Explorer (LADEE) arrives at its Virginia launch site, the Wallops Flight Facility. The launch of LADEE is targeted for early September. Once in orbit around the moon, the probe will study the workings of the thin lunar atmosphere and test the use of a space laser communications system.


5. From the Los Angeles Times: In late 2011, comet Lovejoy grazed the sun’s corona and emerged. Now, experts are explaining how the episode furthered their understanding of the sun’s magnetic field.,0,5435535.story


6. From Young entertainer Justin Bieber books passage to suborbital space with Virgin Galactic. Bieber plans to record a song as he flies, the website reports.


7. From Toymaker LEGO teams with NASA to challenge students to produce designs for future aircraft and spacecraft.


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