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Friday’s CSExtra offers the latest reporting and commentary on space related activities from across the globe. Off California’s Pacific coast, NASA successfully launches IRIS, a new solar observatory, on Thursday night. NASA’s Voyager 1 spacecraft, launched 35 years ago, enters an undiscovered realm as it heads for a solar system exit. PayPal announces it will develop a means of exchanging money in space. In Houston, NASA and Deloitte announce a collaboration to advance oil and gas industry safety. NASA’s retired shuttle orbiter Atlantis goes on public display Saturday on Florida’s Space Coast. Japan prepares a humanoid robot for duty aboard the International Space Station. Hollywood considers new TV drama based on Cold War space race.


1. From NASA launches the Interface Region Imaging Spectroscope solar observatory late Thursday. Findings from the $181 million IRIS mission to study the sun’s atmosphere may improve the ability of experts to assess solar storms and predict disruptions to satellite communications and power distribution.

2. From NASA’s Voyager 1 spacecraft, launched in 1977, finds unexpected conditions at it sails closer to the solar system’s distant boundaries. Scientists associated with the long running mission report their findings in the journal Science.

A. From Voyager 1’s passage from the sun’s influence to interstellar space confounds expert predictions.

B. From The New York Times: Voyager 1 finds unexpected realm between the influence of the sun and interstellar space. Three papers published in the journal Science dig into the discovery.

3.  From CNN Money: PayPal prepares for the approach of space tourism with plans to create a means of exchanging funds in space, PayPal Galactic. “We don’t have all the answers right now, but it’s clear we won’t be using cash when we’re in space,” PayPal president David Marcus told CNN Money.

4. From The Houston Chronicle: NASA and Deloitte LLP agree Thursday to collaborate to improve safety practices within the U. S. oil and gas industry.

A. From Bloomberg News: The exploration of space and energy industry share similar risks.

5. From Florida Today: The Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex prepares to place NASA’s retired shuttle orbiter Atlantis on public display Saturday.

A. From The Orlando Sentinel: Atlantis up close.,0,4502277.column

6. Japan’s humanoid robot Kirobo is headed for the International Space Station.  Kirobo can converse with humans.

7. From A new U. S. television pilot could soon launch. The series would be a drama based on the Cold War space race between the U. S. and the former Soviet Union.

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