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Friday’s CSExtra offers the latest reporting and commentary on space related activities from across the globe. In Houston, family, friends and colleagues pay tribute to Neil Armstrong, who died last August. U. S. Sen. Bill Nelson, of Florida, urges civilian space supporters to fight for funding. Planetary Resources reaches its $1 million funding raising goal for the first small ARKYD space telescope. NASA signs on to a European Mercury mission. Europe initiates tests of a prototype reusable spacecraft. Sunday brings a super moon.


1. From KTRK-TV, of Houston: Family, friends and colleagues pay tribute to Apollo 11 commander Neil A. Armstrong at NASA’s Johnson Space Center on Thursday. The tribute includes the dedication of a mature, native Live Oak tree in Armstrong’s memory. On July 20, 1969, Armstrong became the first human to step to the surface of an alien world. He died in August 2012. Armstrong was 82.

A. From “He was definitely the right choice to be the commander of the first lunar landing,” said Apollo 11 crew mate Mike Collins of Neil Armstrong during the Houston tribute. “He was the best.”

2. From U. S. space program supporters will have to fight for adequate funding, U. S. Sen. Bill Nelson cautioned a Space Transportation Association luncheon this week in Washington. The Florida lawmaker warned that NASA could be swept up in a wave of uncharacteristic partisanship after the House Space Subcommittee approved a 2013 draft authorization bill for NASA, a measure that drops space agency funding to $16.8 billion. The Senate will prepare its own draft by mid-July, said Nelson.

3. From The Christian Science Monitor: Planetary Resources, Inc., the California nonprofit, reaches its goal of raising $1 million through crowd sourcing for the ARKYD space telescope. The small observatory is the organization’s first step in plans to mine asteroids. Scheduled for launch in October 2018, ARKYD will be eligible for use by school students as well as professional scientists.

A. From Planetary Resources will now aim for $2 million during a fund raising campaign that will conclude at the end of June. If the nonprofit reaches its “stretch goal” the ARKYD space telescope can be equipped to search for exo-planets. Planetary Resources reached its first goal of $1 million by seeking hundreds of small donations.

4. From The Los Angeles Times: In Rome, NASA agrees to join with the European Space Agency for the Bepi Columbo mission to further explore the planet Mercury with two orbiting spacecraft. The probes are to reach Mercury in 2022.,0,7198262.story

5. From At the Paris Air Show, the European Space Agency outlines efforts to develop a prototype reusable launch vehicle for experiments and perhaps eventually human crews. The Thales Alenia Space Intermediate Experimental Vehicle, or IXV, has undergone drop tests in Italy.

6. From Watch for a super moon as the full moon rises on Sunday.

A. From What’s a super moon?

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