By Popular Demand, MoonBots Challenge Now Open to Youth 9 Years and Up

Since the initiation of MoonBots: A Google Lunar X PRIZE LEGO® MINDSTORMS® Challenge was launched on April 15th, we have had many inquiries as to who can register.  Due to the great number of requests, the Sponsors of the MoonBots Challenge- X PRIZE Foundation and LEGO® have changed the minimum age required for team members from 13 to 9 years of age.

The challenge is still open to private youth-adult teams, school teams, after school programs and youth organizations. We require that each registered team have an adult mentor.  Experience with robotics or LEGO MINDSTORMS is not required.  If you have an interest in the Google Lunar X PRIZE race to the Moon, enjoy playing with LEGO sets and love robots; then this challenge is for you!

To find out more visit: