Earth’s Moon as art?

NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) has busily snagged countless images of the Moon’s landscape and is nearing five years in lunar orbit.

To celebrate that approaching anniversary on June 18, NASA has invited the public to select a favorite orbiter image of the Moon for the cover a special image collection.

You can vote on the final cover image from five possible candidates selected because of their beauty and/or scientific value by orbiter mission team members.

The winning cover image will be announced June 18 with the release of the full Moon as Art collection of 24 images.

The eye-catching images to select from are titled:

— Starry Night
— Linne Crater
— Clerke Crater
— Diviner North Pole
— Tycho Central Peak

Voting has begun and will close June 6.

So cast an eye, cast your vote at:

By Leonard David