You’ve likely heard of the “farm belt” or the “bible belt” – but how about a “solar belt”…but on the Moon!

The Japanese construction company, the Shimizu Corporation, is proposing the Luna Ring – an array of solar cells that would extend like a belt along the entire equator of the Moon.

Cables stretched across the Moon’s terrain would transfer the electric power from the outstretched lunar solar cells to lunar-situated transmission facilities. From there, special purpose antennas beam back the power to receiving dishes on Earth.

According to Shimizu’s website, “virtually inexhaustible, nonpolluting solar energy is the ultimate source of green energy that brings prosperity to nature as well as our lives.”

As outlined by Shimizu engineers, lunar resources can be used to the fullest extent possible in constructing the Solar Belt.

Water can be produced by reducing lunar soil with hydrogen that is imported from the Earth. Cementing material can also be extracted from lunar resources. These materials will be mixed with lunar soil and gravel to make concrete. Bricks, glass fibers and other structural materials can also be produced by solar-heat treatments.

In creating such a power grid on the Moon, Shimizu reports that robots can play a vital role in construction on the lunar surface. They would be tele-operated 24 hours a day from the Earth.

So next time you look up at the Moon – think of that night light as a possible power source for a 21st century energy-hungry Earth.

By Leonard David